Outdoor Preparing Spring Auto Guerilla Grow Australia



Hey AFN family. :toke:
I am currently preparing an Early Spring(late winter) outdoor Guerilla Grow.
Ordered the strains last night.
Strains: :hump:
3x Sweet Seeds: Sweet Cheese Auto
2x DP: Think Different
2x Barney's Farm: Pineapple Express
2x Samsara Supersonic Crystal Storm

I will be growing 9 plants in total. They will be planted in 3's, in 3 separate locations.
I will start them off inside under CFL/LED for the first 20 days.
The plot is very close to the ocean although it is protected from winds by the surrounding low lying shrubs.
Photos of the plot:


Shot at 2012-06-21


Shot at 2012-06-21


Shot at 2012-06-21


Shot at 2012-06-21

My question is, what do you think i should do with the soil. I want to try and use most of the soil that is already at the plot, although it is really sandy.
i don't know of any predominantly oz forums, but i'd recommend checking with them (perhaps the one at icmag) to get a h/u on unanticipated factors. good luck, the only guerilla i've done got chomped by a pig (fortunately they left the bud for me).

those plants look really...... oceany.. saline. i'd guess the proximity to the ocean would affect the soil some. it may be a good idea to give it a real amendment.
That sand will have to be replaced with a good mix like ffof ,sunshine mix or promix.
Thank you, even tho went cant get any of those soils in Australia. So there is nothing to really supplement the sandy soil with?