I've started my grow about 1.5 mths ago and it seems like my light bill has jump drastically in that time only using a total of 134w of fluroescents for my setup. 2 27w cfls and 2 40w fluro tubes. I've looked at all the conversion and i'm sure where to start. my energy company charges .6 for the first 600kwh and .14 for anything after. i was just going to assume the .14 just for maximum cost extimations.
please help anyone
I've started my grow about 1.5 mths ago and it seems like my light bill has jump drastically in that time only using a total of 134w of fluroescents for my setup. 2 27w cfls and 2 40w fluro tubes. I've looked at all the conversion and i'm sure where to start. my energy company charges .6 for the first 600kwh and .14 for anything after. i was just going to assume the .14 just for maximum cost extimations.
please help anyone