Powdery Mildew


Cultivators Club
Oct 8, 2017
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
, POGP, Luv Pink, Zazzafraz, Carmelita
Early Erdebeer cross and PM. @Waira , here’s the sad girls. I don’t know their fate and I’ll show my pal your info when I see him tomorrow.
:confused1: I'm not sure I see anything? Maybe it's the pics BC', closer up may be needed,... are you sure it's WPM?
Potassium bicarbonate works, I hear good things about milk diluted,... actually this early on, even neem oil will be OK, but not a first choice in this case... there are other products like botanical oil based types.. comes down to what can be found locally... If he wants Major Kissass to come to town, cough up the $ for Optic Foliar ATAK (antifungal, Cu based) and Transport (penetration agent/carrier)... :amazon:

More pictures @Waira . These are a little better
I’ll show him this thread tomorrow! Thanks so much for your help! Just sucks that his first foray into growing doesn’t run seamlessly. I was certain I’d get him hooked on canna cultivation and self sufficiency.
Oh, and if, big if, this MoB thing finishes well, I may have to ask Stick for that AoFxSS cross he has.
:biggrin: see if it wipes off easily,.. this isn't WPM I don't think, it looks kinda like watery bird turd splats! ...texture is hard to tell, closer up pics would help if possible, but it doesn't look powdery to me, more like thin paint? ... treat anyway if he likes... I forgot to mention there are some biological agents, foliar sprays that have microbes that eat mildew, spores and all,.... Actinovate and Armory come to mind....
....Stick is loaded with the Goods! But look into Sensi Star first, see if it's mold resistant... AoF is reported to be pretty good against this, which surprised me actually,... we'll see (hopefully) in the Fall! ...ask him about the Mighty Mite crosses too.... MoB is a hardy girl, barring disaster, she should finish fine for you!
:biggrin: see if it wipes off easily,.. this isn't WPM I don't think, it looks kinda like watery bird turd splats! ...texture is hard to tell, closer up pics would help if possible, but it doesn't look powdery to me, more like thin paint? ... treat anyway if he likes... I forgot to mention there are some biological agents, foliar sprays that have microbes that eat mildew, spores and all,.... Actinovate and Armory come to mind....
. He thought it was bird poo at first. I’ll know a bit more tomorrow. He lives quite close to the ocean. I’ve had tomato plants that looked like the photo you sent. Yikes.
When rain is forecast, this little old lady yanks her plants under a roof.
....Stick is loaded with the Goods! But look into Sensi Star first, see if it's mold resistant... AoF is reported to be pretty good against this, which surprised me actually,... we'll see (hopefully) in the Fall! ...ask him about the Mighty Mite crosses too.... MoB is a hardy girl, barring disaster, she should finish fine for you!
Let’s hope so. The disappointment of running a plant until late flower and then tossing it is the pits. That,primarily, is why I grow in a tent and controlled. I’ll talk to Stick about MM and crosses. That would be for Spring Starts. Fall plans are Autos. Binary, Owl, Portal, Mandalorian, Mephisto and maybe some Sugarbaker. Subject to change.
We'll chat more at your place later, but meantime, look up fast versions (auto x photo) from Sweet, Delicious, Dinafem... DP has Think Fast, damn nice too! Sweet Green Poison F1FV is a tire smoker, and excellent quality, best aromatics of the line-up IMO... My OD GPFV's finish in 4+ weeks bloom, TOTAL = :hothot: