Indoor Pot size and suggestions.

Dec 10, 2012
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I recently changed up my grow space with two 24x24x48 grow tents. One tent has a 180 watt led ufo and the other a 135 watt ufo. I been growing hempy style and want to try mephisto super soil. I was thinking of either a smart spot or air pots. I just don't get the growth I want from Hempys. Takes to long for the roots to hit the rez and I believe it sets my grow back by a couple of weeks. So what do you guys think. Air pot or smart pots? Thanks for taking the time to check this out.
I would not use smart pots indoors. Hard to rotate, bottom sits in water, a mess to repot because all the roots grow into the fabric. I really like smartpots outdoors. Indoors I prefer airpots and now would never even look at anything else. Mine are ten gallon equivalent but I only use a little more than half that much soil.
I would not use smart pots indoors. Hard to rotate, bottom sits in water, a mess to repot because all the roots grow into the fabric
The rotating problem is not one. I use lazy Susan's for every smart pot. I have saucers on top of the Lazy Susan's, then my fabric pots on top of saucers. I love it. Any extra movability I can squeeze out of the tent, I do it. 5 gallon size is my favorite, followed by 3 gallon.
Think I'm going to go with air pots. I've been wanting to try those for a long time.
They are expensive but last a lifetime if not abused. I started with 15 gallon. Those were way too big. After harvest in an airpot you can see exactly how much soil the plant uses. It will not use soil just because it is there. There will be a level where the roots just don't go any lower. And the root mass is fantastic. Slope the soil up the sides of the pot to make a little well in the center. The airpots have 2 inches at the top which are sealed to prevent standing water from draining straight out the holes, but I never fill my pots that high. If I was starting all over I would just buy the 5 gallon equivalent. They are the same size as my [HASHTAG]#10[/HASHTAG] but a little shorter. I have my airpots on Down Under heavy duty rollers and they take up some height so I have to be careful not to get too tall. I use 21 inch Akro Mills saucers underneath.