Old Reviews POT by NOIDS Herb Cooker for decarboxylation, infusion and extraction.

POT by NOIDS Herb Cooker for decarboxylation, infusion and extraction.

I hope more people see this. Great review! Especially the part about mentioning the smell. I know that is a serious consideration for a lot of us. Seems very similar to the Ardent but I can totally understand needing a product supported in your region. I look forward to some further updates/reviews as you use it more. (I've finally ordered an Ardent myself!)
thank you for the review, have you used a solvent of any kind in your 'Noids Pot' yet......i have one, haven't used it yet, and considering making R.S.Oil for self medication...
I think you need to be very careful with solvents in these type of sealed and heated devices.
thank you for the review, have you used a solvent of any kind in your 'Noids Pot' yet......i have one, haven't used it yet, and considering making R.S.Oil for self medication...

No, I've not used anything other than herb or hash in it yet. The alcohol looks to be quite expensive, especially as you evap it off & there's no re-claim. Don't think I'd use anything else 'solvent'-wise in it. I do like a good BHO run but would use my extractor tubes for that with a warm pan of water as it's safer.

Let us know how you get on if you do it though.
10g of Skywalker Haze, decarbed & then infused with coconut oil. Oil is then put into 00 caps. 2 of these & it's night night for normals.





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Im interested to hear your further thoughts. Like you i got one in preference to the US based machines and i liked the reported support. I have had a few questions using it which they have answered. Some thoughts on it-
Capacity- it is not huge which is ok but you need to be careful with not going higher than the fill level or you get green
Decarb- personally i think it is a little too toasted but i have no evidence that i am right or wrong. I would love to compare with ardent or similar. I have just done a compare with same weed in sous vide vs Pot. The sous vide retains a lot more terps and i am still brewing it so cant comment on the potency (but will report back)
I notice you are going relatively big bits of bud- perhaps i am making too small and it overcooks a bit
Beeps- mines does a lot of random beeping which doesn't seem to match any of the troubleshooting guide so no idea what they are for!
Smell- it is definitely more noticeable after a few uses so wonder if lid allowing some gas out. But as you say, nothing like oven smell.
Overall i think i like it. Support has been solid. Hoping more people will b uy and review here.
Thanks for reviewing
hey @The Bedroom Gardener UK top review, any new information a year or so in?
Have you made FECO or RSO yet? Thinking of pulling the plug and treating myself to one.