Post Mortem On My 2nd Grow?

Feb 5, 2021
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Blue Dream
This was my 2nd attempt at an organic grow. My 1st grow(different strain and a few things done differently) experienced the same thing at about the same time, only worse. Wound up yanking it and tossing it. Since this happened again (not as severe as the 1st) on my 2nd try, I would like some advice as to what the issue/s might be so I can prevent it on my future grows. Trying to stay all organic if I can. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Just an FYI, being new at this when I started to see problems on this grow, I started to panic. (I posted both grows in the Grow Blogs)

Problem: Yellowing leaves and brown spots appearing on leaves about 2 weeks into flowering.

-Medium/grow method: FF Happy Frog mixed with NLS Autoflower Blend in 3 gal fabric pot.

-Feed and supplements Used: Bottled spring water abt evey 4 days. Fed molasses @ week 2 of veg. Fed molasses with Recharge @ middle of week 3. Fed Mammoth P with Calmag middle of week4 (in flower). Top dressed with FF Cavern Culture in week 5. Top dressed a little more with FF CC. Fed Mammoth P middle of week 7. Fed tea of molasses and NLS Girl Flower Power at end of week 7.

-Water source: Bottled Arrowhead Spring Water PH’d to 6.2.

-Strain and age: FastBuds Zkittles Auto. 6 and 7 weeks (2 & 3 weeks in flower)

-Climate: Lights On: Temps abt 81°, RH abt 33%, Lights Off: Temps abt 69°, RH abt 54%. 18/6 light schedule

- Light used: Maxisun MF1500 LED 300W (150W @ wall) 16 inches from canopy at 100% (per manufacturer’s directions)

-Additional info: Indoor grow. Mars Hydro 2.3x2.3x5 tent, 4 inch exhaust fan, filter is outside of tent, 6 inch oscillating fan, small humidifer, light on timer. Large leaves started to yellow week 2 into flower. Thought I was seeing beginning of phosphorous and/or Calmag deficiency. Attempted to address issues by throwing what I had at her.

Week 6
Zkittles Week 6.jpeg

Week 7
Zkittles Week 7 #2.jpeg

Week 8 (removed 3 or 4 larger yellowed/dead leaves)
Zkittles Week 8.jpeg
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This was my 2nd attempt at an organic grow. My 1st grow(different strain and a few things done differently) experienced the same thing at about the same time, only worse. Wound up yanking it and tossing it. Since this happened again (not as severe as the 1st) on my 2nd try, I would like some advice as to what the issue/s might be so I can prevent it on my future grows. Trying to stay all organic if I can. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Just an FYI, being new at this when I started to see problems on this grow, I started to panic. (I posted both grows in the Grow Blogs)

Problem: Yellowing leaves and brown spots appearing on leaves about 2 weeks into flowering.

-Medium/grow method: FF Happy Frog mixed with NLS Autoflower Blend in 3 gal fabric pot.

-Feed and supplements Used: Bottled spring water abt evey 4 days. Fed molasses @ week 2 of veg. Fed molasses with Recharge @ middle of week 3. Fed Mammoth P with Calmag middle of week4 (in flower). Top dressed with FF Cavern Culture in week 5. Top dressed a little more with FF CC. Fed Mammoth P middle of week 7. Fed tea of molasses and NLS Girl Flower Power at end of week 7.

-Water source: Bottled Arrowhead Spring Water PH’d to 6.2.

-Strain and age: FastBuds Zkittles Auto. 6 and 7 weeks (2 & 3 weeks in flower)

-Climate: Lights On: Temps abt 81°, RH abt 33%, Lights Off: Temps abt 69°, RH abt 54%. 18/6 light schedule

- Light used: Maxisun MF1500 LED 300W (150W @ wall) 16 inches from canopy at 100% (per manufacturer’s directions)

-Additional info: Indoor grow. Mars Hydro 2.3x2.3x5 tent, 4 inch exhaust fan, filter is outside of tent, 6 inch oscillating fan, small humidifer, light on timer. Large leaves started to yellow week 2 into flower. Thought I was seeing beginning of phosphorous and/or Calmag deficiency. Attempted to address issues by throwing what I had at her.

Week 6
View attachment 1295708

Week 7
View attachment 1295709

Week 8 (removed 3 or 4 larger yellowed/dead leaves)
View attachment 1295710
If you killed those plants that was a mistake. Cannabis is way hardier than you realize and plants with severe problems can still finish and give you something. Some leaves on every plant will wither and die. It is normal. You are using nutrients wrong. Specifically the Cal-Mag which you probably did not need. Read this for some information:

This plant was truly tortured and still made it to harvest with some OK bud!


I certainly agree with MOG...cannabis is a tough weed to kill...As I always have several strains going at any one time, I sometimes have one that'll stunt...just push to the corner and splash a lil sumpin on it at times...then one day, you find it's turned into a hot lady who'll fire yo head up.
Makes ya love a stunt....
Ya don't give up on em so easy. Sounds like you were giving them way too much stuff. They definitely didn't need anything the first couple weeks in that soil. Sounds like the calmag hit them and started a lockout. If you are running an all organic grow, all you should need to do is water.

Depending on pot size, if it's large enough you can water all the way. Sometimes with smaller pots, you might need to add some top dressing at 30ish days, maybe again at 60. Throw a few teas in, thats it.

Just water man. As far along as you are that is probably all you need the rest of the way.
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This one I harvested. My first grow was way worse. Over 9 weeks and the buds never matured and no frost. All of the plant leaves died on that one. That’s why I was happy with this one. I just wanted some ideas as to why my leaves started fade and brown spots appeared so soon into flower. Same as first plant but was able to keep going to the end. Appreciate any inputs. Trying to get better with these autos.
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Being a member here at AFN will help get you over your hump...might have been a long time but we all (at least most) went through the same types of 'growing pains'. Sometimes it's our own input that is the hump. Some us had an advantage living in a farming community...

Decades ago, we grew pot among corn for obvious reasons and it got what corn gets......and we had so much weed to smoke....then when I wanted to get into the indoor autoflower game, I actually snuck a few seeds into a friends 'winter' flower care room where they got minimal care in shitty plain overused potting soil , and only 8 hrs light daily ,as wintering plants do...still smoked some pretty good weed ...

All that told me weed just grows simply with very simple care. It's when we try to make it 'better' is when we kink the rope.

My advice is just to keep it simple...if you can start 2 or 3 plants, you can 'experiment' with one...then it's all about patience.