Hi all! Pretty new to this site but thus far it has provided me with a lot of help and info, some very knowledgeable individuals here! So this evening I went to water my 22 day old purple lemonade auto and noticed a few yellowish brown patches on her 2 bottom sets of first leafs, the rest of the plant looks great! Anybody know if this is possible nute burn? Or something else?
She’s under a 400w hps 20/4 and in a soil medium using AN nutrients for the past week.
I’m not overly concerned at the minute but thought I’d ask in advance incase this further develops!
Thanks for the read
She’s under a 400w hps 20/4 and in a soil medium using AN nutrients for the past week.
I’m not overly concerned at the minute but thought I’d ask in advance incase this further develops!
Thanks for the read