Possible lock out MG sour crack

Jul 10, 2020
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Problem- yellowing leaves and purple stems

Medium- pro mix bx

Nutrients- mega crop sweet candy 500 ppm every time I water. I have gave them one water with 70 ppm of Epsom and one plain water when I started noticing the problem. Before that it was feed every time.

Water- tap @ 6.1 ph & 120 ppm from the faucet I let it sit for 48 hours

Strain- mephisto sour crack 27 days old

Light source- 6 qb96 @500 watts

Climate- 77 day-69 night-50 to 60 rh day- when lights out for 4 hours it goes up to 65 to 70 Rh just for a couple hours.

Ph at root zone- 6.5 or 6.6 with accurate 8

I noticed the problem ab 4 days ago and have since gave one plain water and one 70 ppm of Epsom water thinking that this may be a lockout from over feeding. From now on I’m only going to be using MC alone


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Looks generally over-fed with too much magnesium locking out calcium. Which MC are you using. Sweet Candy is 0-17-28 N-P-K so use this once around the end of week 4 then not again until well into full bloom. Over fertilizing is worse than under-feeding.


Never feed a single element by itself. When you feed magnesium (Epsom salt) by itself it is 100% strength. it washes the other elements away from the roots and locks out the others! If you have a real deficiency you add the additional needed element to your regular mix of nutrients and feed them altogether.

Where you are now is H-POOB with a Hot Pot Out Of Balance. The pro Mix does not need to be fertigated every time and you should go water, water, Fertigate repeat. would just water to about 30% run-off for the next two waterings then fertigate at 50% no SC, Then resume your normal feed schedule water, water, fertigate, repeat. By then you might need some SC but let the plant tell you when - full flower.
Okay @Mañ'O'Green ill follow these instructions I appreciate you explaining it so I can understand. I’m using the one part mc. Wow now that u explain it to me I have been way over feeding. I’m going to try my hardest to let these end up like my last plants!
Okay @Mañ'O'Green ill follow these instructions I appreciate you explaining it so I can understand. I’m using the one part mc. Wow now that u explain it to me I have been way over feeding. I’m going to try my hardest to let these end up like my last plants!

Peat holds nutrients a little better than coco but the real kicker with the Pro-mix bx is the vermiculite. Vermiculite holds nutes like little sponges. We do want to watch for signs of under-feeding (overall lime color plants) but that is easy to fix! :goodluck:
It’s so hard to do “less is more” I bet I’ve read the words “less is more” a thousand times and I still always do way to much lol I’m going right “less is more” across my forehead. @Mañ'O'Green you are truly a wealth of knowledge! Thank you
What do you think I should adjust the ph to in this pro mix bx I’ve read and read and then read some more but everywhere says something different. What would u ph it to?