Indoor Pop22's Shout Out!


Frankensteins Lab Leader
Cultivators Club
Dec 15, 2013
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Anyone here who reads my stuff, knows I'm always up to something new, digging for dirt...
( pun intended lol ), and just plain finding excuses to keep busy. But sharing what I do is difficult because I'm like a pinball machine, bouncing around from subject to subject. I'm the poster boy for ADD... but I try to have a little method to my madness. In that train of thought, I've decided to narrow things down to three main threads and this "shout out".

Here, I will post only what current or upcoming subjects, experiments, personal product and nutrient testing, breeding, and interesting new information I stumble upon. I will post page specific links to new subjects here. This will be only for reference to my material, and would rather keep this page simple, for your benefit, so please, no comments here, leave them in the referenced thread please.

With all that said, here are a couple things upcoming:

interest is stirring on AFN over the subject of DLI. My own curiosity and discussions with a good friend has given me the chance to dig into the subject a bit. I have on loan 3 Lightscout DLI 100 meters, AND an Apogee MQ-500. I'll be taking lots of readings/measurements in the next couple of weeks. After I post ( soon ) I'll pop a link in here to that.

I'm currently testing MegaCrop, an all-in-one organically chelated nutrient that seems to be gaining popularity in the commercial gardening world that sparked my interest. Will be posting soon on this.

Got a lot going on. Will update this thread again later after I get some posts into my new threads.

Here is the start pages to 2 of my new threads. The third will be up soon.

Autoflower thread:

Photo Period
All tents set up today, so now the fun begins!

Photo period tent: We have ducksfoot breeding happening here. Plants move there from the clone cab.
Auto tent: Seed testing, hanging basket plants, DLI-100 light meters to measure DLI. Testing og an Apogee meter will begin shortly.
Small tent and cabs: Black Domina x Stone Dragon moved to the small tent. Need seeds started for the next breeding project have some photos and auto seed soaking.