Please help!

Apr 10, 2021
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Hi, I'm now on my second grow and I'm having some trouble with one of my babies, she's a northern light. Also have a couple marks I don't know what they are on my sour diesel but don't seem to be affecting her much, the NL on the other hand seems to go really droopy but will pick herself up but only seems to be for roughly half the time the light is on and I'm on a 20/4 light schedule. I did have a little issue with heat, not sure what happened but it dropped down to 14c for an hour or 2 till I noticed and corrected it. I did flush my NL 2 days ago just incase it was anything to do with over feeding but she hasn't changed much since, just seems to have gone a bit pale? As u will see in the pictures the edges on the NL are sticking up which by research it could be a few things either heat stress, root problems or not sure if this is right but I'm sure I read could be too much cal mag??
Products and stats.
5 weeks and 3 days from seed
Using bio biz light mix soil and nutes
Grow, bloom, acti Vera, alg a mic, heaven and cal mag. Also using terpinator molasses. All at either 1/4-1/2 strength
Water ph is 6.4/5
Ppm going in is 685 and run off was 550ish (didn't write it down as I was stressing and forgot!)
Mars ts1000 at 19" above canopy, raised it as I wasn't sure if that was doing damage!
Temps range from 25c-22c depending on light on or off.
Humidity is between 40-45
I have tried to lst them both and they both seemed to take to it pretty well so I don't think it's that but I honestly wouldn't know.
Not sure if there's any other information needed? Thank you all in advance
First 3 pics are the northern light and the last 3 are the sour desiel
Might want to post in the infirmary thread to get more attention. Not experienced enuff to give an opinion myself.
They few yellow and Rusty marks are mainly on big old leaves so I don't think that plant stress is nutrition, however.. I'm only on my second grow myself and only used Coco...
My thinking here is heat and/or airflow needs improvement
Hi thanks for commenting, Yh the airflow wasn't the best as I was having trouble keeping the humidity right so I bought a speed controller and turned it down to half way but has been up nearly full with 2 vent flaps open for about a week now. I'm in a meter x meter tent and my fan pulls about 320 I think.
Don't suppose u know how to tag this in the infirmary do you?