Please Help !!!!

Apr 4, 2017
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I currently grow a 60 Day Wonder Auto in the Aero Plantit DWC system with a reservoir of about 12.5 lt. I am into the third week of growing phase. The light I use is the 144 Marshydro Reflector, the temperature ranges from 23 to 26 max celcius, and the humidity never goes below 55% with top 60 - 63%, the ph due to the DWC, fluctuates from 6.0 when i correct it to 7.2 max, the res temp usually ranges from 18 C to 20 C.
Although haven't smelled something funny in the res other than the nutes, I just lost one baby to root rot and I am concerned, I am bit worried about how the roots look.
I use Adv. Nutrients Sensi grow, light feed, about 1 ml / lt for basis, Sensi Cal Mag, Voodoo, Tarantula, Sensizym, Piranha at the same ratio, and B 52 half. Here are some photos i took yesterday and this morning. Now that I returned home I saw the two big leaves have brown spots. Any help will be appreciated.
Hey man plant looks fine as do the roots. I don't see any spots on your plants. However if they are small and irregular then it may just be some nutrient water that was spilled on them and over looked no big deal. Hope this helps you relax. Keep up the good work
First of all thnx 4 the reply, I just took some pics of the brown spots on the leaves. I am bit worried because I lost recently an LSD auto due to root rot.
@Kostasvg123 hey bud hows the ppms/ec reacting?
I would really recommend you to get either sm90 or hydroguard to prevent root rot
Hi there my TDS not working currently, I use the Voodoo juice, B 52 , tarantula and piranha that have the bacilus, so u think its root rot?
Hi there my TDS not working currently, I use the Voodoo juice, B 52 , tarantula and piranha that have the bacilus, so u think its root rot?

No mate i think your roots look fine to me. Nothing to panic over. Sm90/hydroguard are purely a preventative recommendation. Running a sterile system keeps things simple.
Give out the current readings of your reservoir, pH and EC (or ppms). If you have used Voodoo Juice and Sensizyme, I'd say it is extremely unlikely you got root rot. Perhaps just mistook some normal tanning of the roots to root rot? Or did it stink to high heavens? B52 will make your roots tanned and mucky looking at times as do many products with kelp in them. Keep that in mind. While we prefer all white roots, it's not always that pretty but its still ok.

Simply having sensizyme and proper bubbling happening in your reservoir should keep the root rot away. Beneficial bacteria, such as Voodoo Juice will make it that much more sure you won't have trouble so I think you are well covered there.

Without readings I cannot say for sure but looks to me as if you are having the beginning stages of Ca -deficiency. This often happens in hydro when the plant is young, pH is too low and the EC is too high (i see a tip burn) and the transport of the nutrients has not really developed to keep up with the photon bombardment. You said you have the pH at 6.0 - 7.2? I'd try to keep the pH at 6.2 at this stage and once this has cleared and the generative periods begins, aim to keep it between 5.8 to 6.0. And no matter what, never let the pH drift over 5.5. - 6.5.

Hope this helps and hope you get that TDS meter working bro :toke:
Unfortunately this morning I found out it is rot, i touched the roots and it had a slight fucking smell, so i decided to peroxide the shit out of it until Sunday which was the normal res change, and do a light feed with the AN Sensi Grow, Voodoo, Sensi, Piranha, Tarantula, B52. At least I think, although there is a problem, that not too much damage have been done. I ll keep posting with the progress, when i changed the res this morning and used peroxide the plant stopped the drooping and seemed better. So guess I ll have to wait and see. Thnx all of you guys, I ll post photos with the progress as soon as I return home from work.
Yikes! Let's hope she gets better!