New Grower Please help!

Apr 23, 2015
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I started my first grow. I'm using Canna products: Canna coco professional plus fibers, Canna A+B, Cannazym, Rhizotonic, Cannaboost, PK. I'm also using PH - from Canna. The tent is 80 cm x 80 cmx 160 cm, 300 W leds from Bridgelux.
I presoaked all but I left them first 4 days without water as I was away from home with work. Plants stuned...I first watered with RO wather with 5.8 PH and 0.200 EC. After that 3 or 4 waterings at 24 h with the same water. I had temp problems (30 C day vs 20 C night) problem solved now I have 25 C vs 20 C.
Now I'm watering with tap water (0.4 EC). I started the nutes at the last watering with RO water and had a total EC of 0.8 (0.2 water+0.6 nutes). With the tap water that has EC 0.4 now I have 1 EC in total.
One if the plants i think is a gonner, several plants show yellow leaves and burned tips. Also some have the leaves bend down....
For 4 l of water (EC 0.4) I have to mix like 5 ml A+5 ml B+3 ml Rihizotonic+3 ml Cannazym = the final solution this morning had 1.085 EC.. to compare the Canna chart from their site has calculated twice as much nutes for this stage....
When i started the nutes the plants grown wery fast....
What I'm doing wrong???
Pls help!
Sounds like your adding the right stuff at almost the right amount .So I would guess your PH is a bit low ...set that to 6.5 or above for a few feeds .

The main thing I see is heat stress though .The leaves curling up at the sides looks like that .That LED could well be too close for seedlings Cocos & could be the problem .With LED it doesn't even need to be actual heat ,just the intensity of the optics can burn seedling if left to close .

My advise is up the feed to 1.2 EC with a bit more A&B ... set PH-6.5+ , raise the LED , & get temps down to mid 70's if you can :thumbs:
Thank you for your advice!

The LED was originaly at about 25 30 cm now i's at 50 cm. Why the PH raise O all forums for autoflower in cocos they all say PH 5.8! I read about 5 months before I started this.... I'll try the 1.2EC but I'm worryed not to burn them..
Hoe th nex p will be better..
I will document this grow here..The different pots are for yied pourpouses....for my next grow:)
The strain is WhiteWiddow cross with AK 47 from Amsterdam Seed Bank.
Arr sorry bud ,thought you had plagron in there ,so said 6.5PH ... Although 5.8 is as low as you want to go & if your meter was out a bit you be to low ,maybe calibrate that & see if its true ?.

Give them a few days & see how they do with less LED/Heat ... they could recover nicely :Sharing One:
Ok, guys thanks...Í'll recalibrate the PH meter..but it's new and I just calibrated it. 70 cm from plants is ok? About the LED pannel...I don't want to be to far cause I don't want them to overstrech. I'll post in weekend new pics. Untill then any advice comment is welcome :)
Hi Cocos :)

I'm a coco grower using almost your exact line up. You can start the seedlings off with your LED at around 24 inches (2 feet) above them. Let them grow to within 10 inches of the light and then keep 10 inches until you run out of space at the top. then just let the plant do what it wants. Chances are it wont get to the roof if its an auto.

I've just coached a new grower to his first harvest with success using the same setup. I would suggest aiming your PH to 5.8. (do this after adding all nutes - not before)

Rough EC guide: Seedling 1.0EC, during veg growth climb to 1.5 (upto about day 40) then climb the EC up to 2.0 toward the end of the grow.

Up the EC with each feed by a little amount. If you see the tips of the leaves burning (going brown) then the feed was a little too strong and go back 0.2 EC from where you were. Then start building back up again.

Hope this makes sense and helps a little.

All the best
Blue ^_^

Pics from a new growers first harvest following the above advice (80 days)


Hei Blue :),

Thanks for the advice but as you can see from my original post the LED panel ashger tht you suggesed and the nute concentration was 0.6 EC...The water has 0.4 EC = 1 EC total. So if the brown tips are from nute concentration I think that a hogher dose will kill them :( I read something about calmag in coco....could it be from that?)
I'll make all the adjustmens and ost new pics in a few days. Hope I see some improvement :)
Such a uniform classic candelabra shape to that plant. It looks great for a first grow. I really love its esthetic appeal. Two green thumbs up.
Hei Blue :),

Thanks for the advice but as you can see from my original post the LED panel ashger tht you suggesed and the nute concentration was 0.6 EC...The water has 0.4 EC = 1 EC total. So if the brown tips are from nute concentration I think that a hogher dose will kill them :( I read something about calmag in coco....could it be from that?)
I'll make all the adjustmens and ost new pics in a few days. Hope I see some improvement :)

Hey :) Firstly i'd check the EC meter is calibrated properly.

The best info you can read on coco is in the Info Pages on canna usa site - you have to sign up to get to them. I've condensed a lot of their key points in a canna coco guide in the coco section.

Rhizotonic has no EC so you don't need to worry about that. (incidentally nor does Boost)

You should check your bottles to make sure you have Canna CocoA&B rather than Canna A&B ... the difference is that it is formulated for the canna coco (and the pro plus is the best and easiest to use)

You don't need to worry about pre soaking. Nor worry about having too much calcium. The medium is great from the bag. You may need a calmag supplement with LEDs although your water may have enough not to worry about - some people never have calmag issues with LEDS some people always have calmag issues with LEds, I would guess that its down to their water. (but could also be the less heat and transpiration causing it)


So what you're doing is fine. Throw the rhizontinic in there - Canna say 4ml per litre to start, and as it has no EC - why not? then back down to 2ml per litre after a week i think (or a short amount of time)

The CannaCoco A&B is fine at 1ml per litre. If you give it all a bloody good mix up and THEN CHECK THE EC (not after PH additions.. the PH down will effect the EC .. but not in a helpful way to you .. it's just acid .. not food)

If it's too strong ..... add water (dechlorinated from your bottle thats been sat open for 24 hours) to diute.

When the EC has got to where you want it - then PH down to 5.8

I didnt see a stunted plant to be honest - it usually takes autoflowers a while to put roots down, but when they're down -the growth explodes very quickly!

Once the plant has a good 20 cm height, start watering to 10% reun off. This means that you want to see about 400-500mls of water coming out of the bottom of the pot. It helps to raise the pots on little feet and have them all on a dri tray. You can leave the water in the tray it will add humidity and evaporate by tommorw.

Watering to run off like this will clear any excess salts and keep your plant nice and healthy.

Hope this clears up some of the confusions! :)

All the best


I have to mix like 5 ml A+5 ml B+3 ml

That wont work out well for you! You'll need to keep the A & B at the same level or problems will appear.

Although they need to be mixed separately, they also need to be mixed at the same ratios. 5ml of A means you need 5 ml of B

My background EC is 0.6. and 1ml per litre of A&B in 4 litres takes it to just over 1.0 EC
I really think your EC meter may be messing you about!
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