Plants stopped flowering. Hermies? Stress?

May 21, 2017
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I have one 4ft x 6ft tent and planted 14 plants (Northern Lights Autoflower), although we did get 2 free feminized seeds which got mixed in and could be included here. We started with about 20 seeds and a few failed.

NFT system, Shogun Samurai nutes.

3 plants went in about a month or so before the rest and they have flowered and been harvested, producing some decent bud.

The issue is that about 2 weeks after harvesting the first 3 plants I noticed that there were some male plants which I quickly chopped down. All the plants were taking their time to start flowering so i switched the light from 24/0 to 12/12 and then up to 18/6 and I wonder if this stressed them?

Anyway, the rest of the plants in the tent started to flower around this time but they stopped very soon after. They haven't done anything for about 6 weeks. They've been on the hydrobloom nutes for ages now. The plants have a few pistils, some more than others and some are also browning but it's literally just a few.

Only one plant has started to fatten up but even this has just stopped now.

I've switched the light back to 24/0. I reduced the nutes right down because I thought the leaves were a bit dark. That didnt do anything. They were getting a bit of light burn but I've tied them all back now. The ph was maybe a little low but I've corrected that.

I'm not sure what else I can do and the set up is just draining all my cash. Very frustrating!! I thought maybe they've been stressed?

Please help, I appreciate any response!
Apologies, all the photos seem to have been uploaded on their side.
:toke: JD-- whose the breeder on these seeds? What I see smacks of a photo' plant that's gone into re-veg'ing from the increased light hours,... those large single leaves are a hint, plus the grinding halt to blooming,... bloom nutes won't matter, it's the light hour (or dark really), that trigger the hormone changes for blooming,... the auto breeding process isn't perfect, just like feminizing,... seeds not taken deep enough into F generations and had solid testing can show mixed results like this! That, or there was a f'-up during packing! :doh:... For all intensive purposes, treat them like photo plants, or just scrap them and start over,... often , such stresses and instability will promote hermie' expression, throwing nanners (in bud) or form straight up male flowers at stem bases,... a risk-benefit analysis is in order! :cuss:.... :pass:
Thank you for your response, yeah I think you're definitely right. We bought them from SensiSeeds which seemed like quite a reputable shop. I feel like it's so risky now that you won't find out if you've been screwed over until you're quite a way in to the grow! A local dude we know is starting his own seed bank so we'll attempt that next time I think.

What I'll do then is switch to 12/12 light and leave that for 2 weeks and see if there is any change. I'm praying they make a regain.
One other point which I missed was that the plants have reached over 5 feet I reckon, which I think is unusual for an auto?
One other point which I missed was that the plants have reached over 5 feet I reckon, which I think is unusual for an auto?
Just curious, did they autoflower at all to begin with under 24/0?
Huh, Sensi Seeds, directly? You're right, that's a famous quality breeder in general, one of the true Originals,...:shrug: ...but every House has it's hiccups, maybe you are just damned unlucky! I'd email them, and kindly lay the facts down,... unless they openly state they reject any emails regarding the germination of the seeds, (legal snags)....