New Grower Plant without THC?


Yes. But that's not very specific. The trichomes contain waaay much more stuff than just THC. There are numerous strains with little to zero THC. Original ruderalis, new medicinal/pharma high CBD low THC, etc.

But it could also be the case of, for instance, of light degradation. Light degrades THC, so if you dried your girls under heavy light, or keep your jars in the light, THC will degrade.

Oxygen degrades THC, that is why we cure in airtight jars. Leave bud too long out in the open and it looses taste and potency.

Or maybe the strain is super super high on CBD which counteracts the effects of THC.
Crystal coverage are not equivalent to THC. For example, one of my faves is Night Queen. SUPER potent, but not crazy in the trichome department.

Just a few thoughts.
Thanks @Groff !

Strain is Mephisto sour crack, which has around 19% THC. So pretty high to not to feel efect. It's also have been cured with boveda 62% pack in closet. Even if the light is "60W bulb" in my room I don't think that would degrade all THC.
Yeah, doesn't make much sense. In fact, it's not light per se, but UV light that degrades THC I believe …
Sorry mate, can't help, never done mephisto myself, but I believe @TaNg has done a few Mephisto's … maybe he could chime in?

Light degradation of THC only matters after harvest, so if you dried/cured in the closet… depending on size/proximity/type of bulb, that could contribute a fair bit.

Aaah … how experienced a grower are you? Could it be you harvested waay too early ? Give us the max detail about your grow... lights, medium, time rom seed to harvest, nutes even … detail your grow please. Adding pic would be even better .
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Maybe your tolerance went down the drain? I dread the thought of needing a tolerance break... [emoji52] [emoji53]

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Trichs were all cloudy with some amber. Strange...
How long has it cured for? I had this strange experience recently with a Mephisto Bubbly Blues. Grew it, cured it for one month, vaped it. Amazing flavour, but hardly any discernible high from it. Was gutted, tried several times, (Mrs Kushdog did as well) same result. About three months later I was fancying something light in the day so I got some out, vaped a little bit and flew very high indeed. It's now the strongest I've got, consistently. All this would seem to defy science, and yet...Cannabis is a magical plant. So maybe if it's relatively fresh leave it for a few months more and then try again.