Plant height from same strain?


When in doubt, smoke a trout.
Oct 27, 2018
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I have two Critical Autos from DinaFem seeds that are in week four. One is roughly 2 feet tall, but the other one is already 4 feet tall, long and stringy. Both plants have been treated equally. Same pots, same light, same nutes, sharing the same space. The taller one popped a day later than the shorter one, so its not a time difference. I can't understand why its grown so tall and stringy. The space between nodes is easily four or five times that of the smaller plant and I'm tempted to rip it out and throw it.

What to do? Week four is early days, they've both got a lot more growing to do, and I've only ever grown once before, so my techniques for tying down and what have you are nonexistent. Do I leave it grow and see what happens or pull it now? They are in a 4x4 sharing equal space under the light, but already the large one is touching the shorter one on one side, and hitting the edge of the tent on the other. This thing just won't stop growing, we're talking more than an inch a day easy with no signs of letting up.

The shorter one is bushy with heaps of branching, short node spacing and to my inexperienced eye looks alright. The taller one doesn't have much bush to it, and the arms are so long with hardly any leaves and long spacing. Is it a dud? Bad genetics? Bonus plant that will yield a bonanza?

What would you do?
Post some photos , That makes it easy to see what you are doing , plus lights , what are you using and temps and is it soil , hydro ect , the more info you can give will help a lot . :thumbsup:
Then again you may have 2 phenotype's types , and that is all ways good ,
2 types here 1 strain .
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Lights are 4 cobs @200W. Medium is coco/perlite mix around 60/40. Temps around 82 / 26c day - 68 / 20c night. Hand watered using Cyco veg nutes @ 700ppm.


That's the biggy above.

That's the little guy. Using a basket to equal canopy tops from the light @ 28inches.

That's the light I'm using. Veg with 200W and switch the 5W diodes on after veg is finished @400W full power.
Cannabis plants aren't very stable and therfore you will see different growth habits of plants even if there the same strain so this is normal.
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Thanks guys for the advice. I was sure I was going to pull that plant and just grow the smaller one. But I'll leave them both go and see how it turns out.