Just need some info on cfl light,Im growing some pj under 130 watts cfl lighting it on a 20/4,they on day 23 or 24,but not showering any flowering at all, as yet,they last time i grow them it was on 18/6 and they were flowering by now,i only try the 20/4 to see if was better,im confuse do i go back to 18/6 or wait it out for abit,they lookig so nice and green,iv not feed them as yet just watering till they flower as soil got it all feed they need for now,the beans im am useing are for my last grow of PJ,the trouble i mit have is when i grow my last PJ, they was a white widow male in my grow room,and im not sure if he the dad,why im say this as my leaves are much biger this time and much more fan leaves im getting 9 leaves on a fan,and im growning w/w right now but they not auto and there fan leaves have 8-9 on them,so now im not sure which way to go here,i mite give a coulp of more day if no flowering i mite put them under 12/12 or 18/6,any info be help full,i get some picture up very soon maybe it mit help
here some pictures know
here some pictures know
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