Mephisto Genetics Pink Panama on da Roof


go go coco grow grow
Cultivators Club
Oct 12, 2021
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I thought I would start a casual post of this grow since we lost the other Pink Panama being documented to hermie. I moved into this house almost two years ago and I knew as soon as I saw the huge flat roof I wanted to grow some plants up there. I didn’t get my act together last year so this is year one for the roof top garden. The Marley’s Grin I started alongside the PP came up really weak and died under the full sun of the roof, so somewhat of an auspicious start, but at least the PP came up strong and is doing well at 6 days old.

Pots are 5 gallon Rain Science grow bags soil is BioBizz light mix. I find light mix a little hot to start seeds in. I always prepare my pots a couple days before planting by soaking each pot to runoff with RO water with 100 ppm calmag. The runoff starts at an EC between 3-4.0, which seems crazy high out of the bag for something called “light mix”, but I have found the same issue out of the bag with other brands like Promix or Fox Farm. I water till runoff is between EC 1.3-1.4. By the time the seeds are germinated and ready to be planted the pots are at about the right moisture content.

I thought about letting them start inside, but decided to go straight to the roof once they were in the pots. At first I thought this might have caused the Marley’s Grin to fail, and it’s still possible it contributed, but I think it was just a funky seed. I don’t let them grow a tail before I plant them, I just soak them till they crack to confirm viability and then into the pot. When I pulled the failed Marley’s Grin out of the pot it looked like the tap root had gotten tangled up in a bit of the membrane and was not able to progress downward. Oh well, I have a Strawbba the Hutt that just cracked will take its place.
Morning day 7


If it goes well this years and I can figure out how to get more water up there easily I could imagine doing at least 4 up there next year. It gets great sun, is nice and breezy, and there’s no pests or critters to worry about.
Day 17 Pink Panama
Well I think it was a bit of a foul ball to start these plants on the roof right from seed. Nature has not been cooperating and for most of the last two weeks it’s been pretty consistently hot and humid. Daytime temps most days have been in the high 80s or low 90s and I think the black surface of the roof is making it even hotter. Besides the heat there has been just enough rain the keep the pots a little too wet and prevent me from being able to water in any nutrients.

Also welcoming a freebie seed that I am excited to grow, if it survives my roof anyway. At 6 days above ground we have a (Forum Stomper x Fugue State) x Forum Stomper. I am a fan of both of these strains, and have had good luck with other Forum Stomper crosses, so if isn’t completely stunted by my hot roof it could be great?

Pink Panama day 17

FS x FS x FS day 6

I am open to any suggestions, but I think the mistake was putting baby plants on the hot roof combined with the pots being just a little too wet. This is my first run with autos outside, but my photos I always started inside early and when planted in early June they were already pretty good sized bushes and much hardier. I would have started them inside, but my second tent is shutdown for cleaning and relocation.

Both plants seem healthy other than growing very slowly, so I don’t think there are any nutrient issues. The Pink Panama even has a bunch of roots shooting out the bottom of the pot already, she is probably looking for some drier soil….On one of my first autos grows I stunted the plants very early on, well before they showed sex. I was able to correct the issue before the plants started to flower and they were on the small side, but went on to produce some nice flowers. I am hopeful that they same thing will happen here. At this point I think the only thing to do is to let them ride it out. I will give them BioCanna nutrients if the soil ever dries out, in the meantime I top dressed around the plants with a little bit of worm castings and Down to Earth Vegan Blend dry amendment to start getting something into the soil.