Photoperiods and Compost


Jan 19, 2018
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Currently Smoking
All of the wax
Hey guys, first time photoperiod grower, I wanted to find some answers real quick before I attempt such a thing. Few bases I want to cover, so bear with me haha.

Item 1; growing with homemade compost:
I understand the gyst of not loading a seed into hot soil, and I need to layer the soil in a manner that it grows and accesses the nutes at a good time so as to not kill the seedling. However, what exactly should be the ballpark ratio of soil to compost?

Item 2; soil medium
I plan on doing a 50/50 mixture of my favorite soil I've used before, biobizz lite mix, and canna coco. I did a bit of research and apparently I need to mix the coco? All I got from that was it rids the salts from it and I need to do so until the water is clear or at least not murky. I couldnt find much more on using coco that was helpful so ill take any tips.

Item 3; switching from veg to flower.
I live in Az, so daylight is from about 5:30-6 a.m. to 7:30-8 p.m. at night, ideally I should plant either now or within the next month if I am to get a decent yield, right? Need a little guidance in terms of how long it will take exactly. I also am assuming nature will naturally take its course and the slowly shrinking daylight hours contribute to the switch? I guess I should mention I am going to be growing some Black Mamba from Exotic Genetix, Iwas able to finally order 10 seeds after searching high and low for availability, which im pretty psyched about.

Item 4; flushing
Straight up, this is how I see it, but what good is flushing going to do if there is a constant supply of nutrients? I know there is an explanation its just not known to me at the moment.
Mods, if this belongs in a different thread go ahead and move it, I simply placed it here as I did not know of a thread to put this in.
Thanks, guys!
Hey guys, first time photoperiod grower, I wanted to find some answers real quick before I attempt such a thing. Few bases I want to cover, so bear with me haha.

Item 1; growing with homemade compost:
I understand the gyst of not loading a seed into hot soil, and I need to layer the soil in a manner that it grows and accesses the nutes at a good time so as to not kill the seedling. However, what exactly should be the ballpark ratio of soil to compost?

Item 2; soil medium
I plan on doing a 50/50 mixture of my favorite soil I've used before, biobizz lite mix, and canna coco. I did a bit of research and apparently I need to mix the coco? All I got from that was it rids the salts from it and I need to do so until the water is clear or at least not murky. I couldnt find much more on using coco that was helpful so ill take any tips.

Item 3; switching from veg to flower.
I live in Az, so daylight is from about 5:30-6 a.m. to 7:30-8 p.m. at night, ideally I should plant either now or within the next month if I am to get a decent yield, right? Need a little guidance in terms of how long it will take exactly. I also am assuming nature will naturally take its course and the slowly shrinking daylight hours contribute to the switch? I guess I should mention I am going to be growing some Black Mamba from Exotic Genetix, Iwas able to finally order 10 seeds after searching high and low for availability, which im pretty psyched about.

Item 4; flushing
Straight up, this is how I see it, but what good is flushing going to do if there is a constant supply of nutrients? I know there is an explanation its just not known to me at the moment.
Mods, if this belongs in a different thread go ahead and move it, I simply placed it here as I did not know of a thread to put this in.
Thanks, guys!
from what i understand you are doing a outdoor grow i cant help too much in that regard i can call some homies see if they have anythinh to add @912GreenSkell @TheMongol @Growtogrow
i can help with the coco i use canna coco myself and i dont personaly rinse it clean just never bothered and it works fine for me indoors but if you want to it just pass water with a pH of around 5.8 through the coco untill you are happy or like you say it runs clear but it very important to have the ph correct best of luck i hope it goes well for you :toke:
tem 3; switching from veg to flower.
I live in Az, so daylight is from about 5:30-6 a.m. to 7:30-8 p.m. at night, ideally I should plant either now or within the next month if I am to get a decent yield, right? Need a little guidance in terms of how long it will take exactly. I also am assuming nature will naturally take its course and the slowly shrinking daylight hours contribute to the switch? I guess I should mention I am going to be growing some Black Mamba from Exotic Genetix, Iwas able to finally order 10 seeds after searching high and low for availability, which im pretty psyched about.

A ton depends on your strain choice...if you chose an early flowering variety, then you can expect preflower to show shortly after the 21st of june(the longest daylight hours of the year). If you chose a long running tropical type of sativa(no idea what the black mamba is like). Get it growing and get it in the ground asap, especially if you want a bigger plant.

I'll leave the other questions up to other guys
Hey guys, first time photoperiod grower, I wanted to find some answers real quick before I attempt such a thing. Few bases I want to cover, so bear with me haha.

Item 1; growing with homemade compost:
I understand the gyst of not loading a seed into hot soil, and I need to layer the soil in a manner that it grows and accesses the nutes at a good time so as to not kill the seedling. However, what exactly should be the ballpark ratio of soil to compost?

Item 2; soil medium
I plan on doing a 50/50 mixture of my favorite soil I've used before, biobizz lite mix, and canna coco. I did a bit of research and apparently I need to mix the coco? All I got from that was it rids the salts from it and I need to do so until the water is clear or at least not murky. I couldnt find much more on using coco that was helpful so ill take any tips.

Item 3; switching from veg to flower.
I live in Az, so daylight is from about 5:30-6 a.m. to 7:30-8 p.m. at night, ideally I should plant either now or within the next month if I am to get a decent yield, right? Need a little guidance in terms of how long it will take exactly. I also am assuming nature will naturally take its course and the slowly shrinking daylight hours contribute to the switch? I guess I should mention I am going to be growing some Black Mamba from Exotic Genetix, Iwas able to finally order 10 seeds after searching high and low for availability, which im pretty psyched about.

Item 4; flushing
Straight up, this is how I see it, but what good is flushing going to do if there is a constant supply of nutrients? I know there is an explanation its just not known to me at the moment.
Mods, if this belongs in a different thread go ahead and move it, I simply placed it here as I did not know of a thread to put this in.
Thanks, guys!
Hey there James Rogers.

Well your black mamba I think that's a sativa leaning strain
you want to get that in the ground right away for a good long grow.
what kind of compost is your homemade compost? Dose it got a lot of rabbit shit in it or chicken shit in it? is it hot ?
what do you have in it to make up your homemade compost?

I can't help you with that kind of soil I'm not a biobizz mix and coco guy.
I use Fox Farm and Happy Frog with my own compost supersoil mix. I am mostly organic but not all the way. About 90%

But your homemade compost is the wounder to your grow. For me.
Do you have a lot of earth worm casting in it? It's a must.
Do you believe it's hot or not?[emoji481][emoji482]

Sent from my garden [emoji482]
Sorry, but i don't think to be a help here, like G2G i have no clue how hot or not his compost is and how it's made seems like a little experiment.
As far as compost composition, im working on getting some worm castings in there, currently its made up of the leftover biobizz i had, plenty of cow manure, and the other compost typicals like fruit leftovers, eggshells, sawdust and such. As far as being hot goes, its got about a month more before its fully ready imo. Az heat definitely speeds the process up ill tell ya.Definitely gonna pick up about 2000 worms for it as well to help break it down as well as some chicken shit since yall said its bueno
Be careful on the age and amount of chicken manure you add , to much and too fresh and you will problems Using chicken manure for worm composting be tricky business. It is very dry, contains high concentrations of salts, and can release plenty of ammonia as well – making it a very dangerous material when fresh.. If you can get it , horse manure aged is great stuff . the worms love it .:thumbsup:
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Yes hecno is right on the chicken shit and if you use it very small amounts a little go's a long ways. Very hot shit. And so is rabbit shit. [emoji91]
All the other stuff u put in your pile sound good. But I'm not a big fan of cow shit. But thats ok it'll be good tho.
I try to use llama. alpaca.bat guano from different areas they have different amounts of nitrogen potash and sulfur phosphorus in them. There's a few different brand's to pick from. You can even get it off Amazon.
The ECW is a must tho. I couldn't grow anything like I grow with out it. And I use it in abundance
cuz I am more red neck and believe more is gooder [emoji267][emoji14][emoji482]

If you want flavor you have to feed them flavor.

Sent from my garden [emoji482]
Thanks for all the input guys! This is why I love this network, full of supportive peeps who simply want others to improve