Live Stoners Photo in auto flower tent help


Just having a laugh having a laugh
Cultivators Club
Dec 7, 2020
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Hay everyone hope all ya grows are going well,
I'm having a right nightmare,
I only grow autos and I chose to grow three different strains in one tent and one of them turned out to be an auto,
I have Changed the lights to 12/12
And I'm worried about the two autos in there with that change and its exploded with growth and I have almost ran out of room,
Any one got any ideas on wat I can do now?
In the future I'll use scrog net and do the same strains on similar genetics,
Here is a picture these plants are all 10 or 11 weeks old

Back left is photo
Super crop the photo would be the only option besides adding another tent
Jeez n fuck man that is nuts!
Would you go full madman and just lop off branches as if you were trimming a hedge in the garden?? Setting aside supercropping LST HST and all the other techniques, if we want to free up space in the garden we determine the footprint for a plant and get ruthless with the loppers, cut it down to size. 50% of the plant goes on the compost heap sometimes.
Not something you see done often with cannabis for sure. But a beast like that under a powerful grow light...... one solution, if you get desperate :smoking: :smoking:
Its a problem but not a bad one. I would start hacking her down take off all the leaves on the top 6 inches to a foot to get some light down there then I would trim up the bottom 1/3 of all the plants. The bottom is not going to get enough light with that little room and will be the puffiest popcorn ever.