Ph problem with Happy Frog



I am once again having a ph problem with my soil again...i recently flushed and got it from 5.4 to 6.5 and now i hav realized after the last watering that it drops down to 5.5 is less than a day after watering or flushing and i have seen other ppl having this problem with this soil so my question is what do i do to fix this problem since i obviously cant add lime to my soil since i am already halfway through my grow....i would really appreciate some help on this..,.thanks :smoke:
what did you use to bump it up when you flushed?
what did you use to bump it up when you flushed?

Ph'd water at about 7.3...just add ph up and down to get my water to 7.3 and flushed it with about 3x my soil capacity of just straight 7.3-7.4 phd water and the soil gradually lowered back down over a day and a half
ok... so hold like 7.0 on all waterings and feedings and continue to monitor ph of soil or runoff.... it will swing up slowly... soil comes around slow... mine does this the other way... from 7.0 to my waterings at 5.5-6.0.... an as the soil dries it swings back from 6.4-6.7 in the soil back to 6.8 or 6.9 ... be patient mate... slow and steady wins the race...
:howdy:bro does soil have lime in it,if not theres you troubles, my girls had the same, get some lime in you soil,you should have done it on your flush,and on you next grow get some in your soil:peace:kudo
:howdy:bro does soil have lime in it,if not theres you troubles, my girls had the same, get some lime in you soil,you should have done it on your flush,and on you next grow get some in your soil:peace:kudo

they say it has lime and oyster shells probly not just sprinkle some on top and water it in?
ok... so hold like 7.0 on all waterings and feedings and continue to monitor ph of soil or runoff.... it will swing up slowly... soil comes around slow... mine does this the other way... from 7.0 to my waterings at 5.5-6.0.... an as the soil dries it swings back from 6.4-6.7 in the soil back to 6.8 or 6.9 ... be patient mate... slow and steady wins the race...

KUDO asked what i was gunna ask you next if i could just sprinkle some dolomite lime on top and water it in....
yes you can one tsp,well help her like jm say it take time keep ph low to see her drop or the other way round,:peace:
I think I'm done with happy frog myself. I always have ph issues with it, even after I amend it. Haven't had any issues with amended ocean forest though.