New Grower Ph calibration solution question

Sep 23, 2014
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Mixed some solution for my new ph pen. Can I keep the solutions in jars and use it later? How long will it last?
Mixed some solution for my new ph pen. Can I keep the solutions in jars and use it later? How long will it last?
From what I've read is u shouldn't use it again after its used cause it's contaminated
Might not give u a true reading
When you were at school you were probably told to decant a little of your buffer solution to use for each calibration into a little pot, then to chuck it away afterwards. This was good advice then as it is now. Your freshly made buffer will keep fine for a good while in a cool, dark place, just don't contaminate it by putting used solution back in the bottle. Buffers for pH values of around 7 are typically phosphate based so could probably support bacterial or algal growth in the right circumstances.
As doctor who said, keep it and use just what you need. I put the solution in then cap of my pen when calirating. If you have a good pen you probably only need to check it once a month