Photoperiod Petes aqua cloning 101

Aug 23, 2015
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So tonight I'm going to be taking clones. I've decided to finally grab myself a real clone machine and will go over the unboxing all the way to rooted clones. I'm going to be recording step by step exactly everything I do. If you want to successfully root 9 out of 10 clones 9 out of 10 times just follow the easy steps in my guide following and cloning will come nice and easy. Fast too!!!
I picked up a super sprouter from work today and am oh so excited to have a nice fancy clone machine
Alright one week late, didn't realize i was that far behind in life lol. Ok so here we go guys. This is my 101 with pics tutorial for taking clones.

I use a super sprouter aqua cloner, pictured above, for my cloning.
Try to find a good environment if possible with high humidity and mid 70s to 80s in temp. I chose my 2x4 tent. I had to increase the humidity slightly so I added a small vaporizer into the tent for some added RH and it helps a little with heat.
Environment: temp 75-80 degrees Fahrenheit; RH as high as you can get it!!! (But 50-80% will work fine) lol

Now that my environment is set the next step is to get the cloner ready. I use spring water PHd to 5.5-6.0. I fill the water up to the top of the pump...
Water PH: 5.5-6.0

For this way of cloning you will only need a couple more things tool wise...
Tools: razor blade/exacto knife; cloning gel; water misting bottle; cup full of spring or RO water to put clones in until you dip them in the gel and get them in the cloning collars; rubbing alcohol for sanitizing your blade!

Once your water is PHd, your tools are ready and cup filled with water, put the lid on and the colored (usually black) inserts in ALL the slots and it's time to go cut some clones!!!!

Grabbing pics and clones and will give a step by step of what I'm doing and why in just a minute. No week wait I promise. I wanted to do this as live as possible. So I'm going to take my Clones and some pictures of those steps now. I'll be back in a few minutes, wife's on kid duty and in fully dedicated to this right now! Sorry I left everyone hanging this week! My apologies
Ok so I remove some of the lower growth that's not going to do much anyway. But you want to take a decent branch as to have a better chance at successfully cloning. so I grabbed a nice strong bottom branch and cut it down to about 6-8" right below a node. I also remove all growth but 3 large fan leaves and the two around the top of the clone. I also cut the tips off the fan leaves as to help cut back on plant transpiration. I cut a 45 degree angle right on a node, dipped it in cloning solution and put it right into its collar and in the machine. Give it a few Missy's wit done RO water and let it do its thing! Check back in about 12 hours.

Oh and make sure you label your collars so you know what's what! 7-14 days and you will be rocking good!!!
Started a new job that requires an hour travel to get there and another hour home. 6 days a week, 9 hour days. Trying my best to keep up with that, family, garden, AFN, life in general. Sorry guys. But i took 8 clones when I did that tutorial. 1 died cuz I didn't make sure it was touching the water enough. Otherwise everything's happy and healthy. Got to grab a couple clones off this awesome skunk [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] I have and that will be it for this round I think. Heres a pic as of right now of the clones I took....