Pest or deficiency

Apr 18, 2021
Reaction score

Problem: spotting on leaves

Medium/grow method: kis organics soil

Feed: and supplements used:build a flower top dress, recharge, cal mag

water source:well

Strain/age: honey-peach auto, Northern lights auto

light used: mars hydro to 1000, on at 75%

Climate: 72-82 degrees. Humidity had been at 60 but I got it down to 50.

Additional info: day 29 of grow.

I treated with Dr Zymes yesterday and today. The next day after treating the spotting became more apparent. I originally thought it was calcium deficiency and had been aadding0.5 ml of calmag per litter of water. Now I don't know what's wrong. Help pl


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It could be rust fungus-

"Plant rust is a general term that refers to a rather large family of fungi that attack plants. Frequently, when a plant is affected by rust fungi, many gardeners feel at a loss as to what to do. Rust treatment as a plant disease is startling but can be treated."

"For rust fungi, prevention is the best defense. Rust thrives in a wet environment, so do not overwater your plants. Also, make sure your plants have good air circulation inside the branches and around the plant itself. This will help it dry its leaves faster. If plant rust does affect your plant, remove affected leaves at the first sign of rust color on plant leaves. The faster the affected leaves can be removed, the better chance your plant has for survival. Be sure to dispose of these leaves. Do not compost them. Then treat your plant with a fungicide, such as neem oil. Continue to remove leaves and treat the plant until all signs of the plant rust are gone."
I’m not an expert but I’d check runoff ppm/ec and ph. Other than that let the plant use the water in the pots till they need water and give it a good flush with lighter dose and good ph and make sure run off is good. Doesn’t look like bugs to me yet but I don’t know. Seems like it’s got enough n and water currently though
@Edisonst It looks to me like too much phosphorous or a phosphorous lock out. But it is not severe so don't over react. You probably need to stop with the cal mag? It looks like you may have top dressed too soon. You should wait until transition week - assuming you had enough nutrients in the pot to start? Too much Ca can lock up the P.
