Indoor Parent Re-Veg - Part 1.

Hey, just revegging a couple myself (see sig). First time and the growth speed of these once they get going is astounding! Gotta love that already developed root system! Here's them both at 7 weeks and 4 weeks left to right. Taken clones from lefty too

Hey, just revegging a couple myself (see sig). First time and the growth speed of these once they get going is astounding! Gotta love that already developed root system! Here's them both at 7 weeks and 4 weeks left to right. Taken clones from lefty too

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Excellent stuff mate. Not too many people here do the re-veg, so nice to find another.
Interesting I will need some re-veg knowledge. This may be a good plan B to keep my white black domina plant around. Is it a process for after a plant has been somewhat harvested ? From the pic the plant appears to have been cut at the top branches. Is the re-veg process cutting off the tops and changing the light cycle back to (for photos) a 18 plus hour cycle? Sorry for the many questions I would like to let my plant go until the formed buds have matured. Then re-veg, I want my cake and eat it also if possible. :shooty:
Cheers pal, these seeds from HSOxSherbinski & SSSC are way outta my price range so had to keep them going. Only 2 beans left!

Yeah, I hear that. No way I can afford the majority of seeds these days. Priced out of the market.
Interesting I will need some re-veg knowledge. This may be a good plan B to keep my white black domina plant around. Is it a process for after a plant has been somewhat harvested ? From the pic the plant appears to have been cut at the top branches. Is the re-veg process cutting off the tops and changing the light cycle back to (for photos) a 18 plus hour cycle? Sorry for the many questions I would like to let my plant go until the formed buds have matured. Then re-veg, I want my cake and eat it also if possible. :shooty:

Yeah, I chop the plant as normal, leaving some popcorn bud at the bottom. Re-pot in fresh soil, after cutting back the roots & put on 20/4, some veg feed & root stim.

It'll take a few weeks to show new veg growth again, depending on how much flower she's been under. I would do it with your white plant, it's a real looker & deserves to be messed with.

If you intend to do it, then don't use any finishing products on the plant.
Sounds like a plan thanks @niceneasy I will give it a try in about 3 weeks. I am only using organic dry nutes and will stop as of today. After watching your last photo grow I think you could grow smoke in the north pole in a snow drift. :yay:
Sounds like a plan thanks @niceneasy I will give it a try in about 3 weeks. I am only using organic dry nutes and will stop as of today. After watching your last photo grow I think you could grow smoke in the north pole in a snow drift. :yay:

It's well worth the effort, especially if you want to preserve a good one.

Weather wise, it is still pants here. Supposed to hit -10 in parts tonight, so it's hard to grow in your garage. :snow2: It definitely stretches the plants to their limits.