Outdoor paks and jems looking abit sick

Sep 1, 2011
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hey guys and gals is it just me or does accouple of my paks look sick to you.

first thing i thought it might of been is overwatering these grow bag do not have the biggest drainage holes and there acouple inches up the bag not right at the bottom so i thought there might have been some old water sitting on the bottom maybe causing some nute lock out.

in the group shot there all standing to attention so i can see it being from over waterd but i cut afew more drainage holes right down the bottom to make sure there is good drainage.

as you can see in the group shot the first pak is really takeing its time budding up the 2nd and 3rd pak are filling up nicely.the 4th pak is the purple pak and by the look of its leaves they look like they are yellowed more then the others.the have know burn or curling or spoting there just not as green.there in searls premium potting mix with slow realese fert which i now isnt really good for the autos but was also thinking with the purple pak it mighten be releasing as much compared to the others.just a thought

i see other growers on here growing paks and there paks are alot darker green then mine but i'm thinking its just because i'm growing mine outdoors.i could be completly wrong tho.

here are afew pics let me know what yous think.

group shot
group shot.JPG

pic of my pak that look alttle yellow
purple pak.JPG

same pack but from above
purple pak from above.JPG

here is a pic of my jems around day 30 they shown sex around aweek ago but look alittle yellow and are stunted.there in a organic mix with horse and chook crap.there's no burn of curling either so thinking of a def.what do you guys think.

i'm not sure if i'm just over reacting or does it look like there could be a nute def.i gave the jems a feed of 15mls of seasol to 9litres of water acouple of days ago and the same with the paks but gave them 30mls to 9litres of water.

any help would be great.:D
Personally mate I thinks they're looking pretty good but I'll let more experienced days take a look and see...

What I've found is if leaves are a bit yellow some N nutes help to green them back up. With the Seasol, don't look at it as being a fertilizer in itself - it is more of a tonic that promotes healthy root growth so the plant can take up the nutes that are available better and it also helps to make stronger and less pest resistant but is not a fert/nute in itself. Around the garden and a little on canna, I use the liquid fertilizer also made by the same pple that make Seasol - Ill have to check its name (Powerfeed - Im pretty sure) which is cheap and easy to use and goes well on the vegies etc - same goes for fish emulsion , which might be a cheap and organic way to add a little N when needed. All are in Safways, etc etc with the fish emulsion a particularly cheap but still effective choice. Being that the soil is preferted and the quick growth rate of autos, might not need to add much extra nutes...

Personally mate I thinks they're looking pretty good but I'll let more experienced days take a look and see...

What I've found is if leaves are a bit yellow some N nutes help to green them back up. With the Seasol, don't look at it as being a fertilizer in itself - it is more of a tonic that promotes healthy root growth so the plant can take up the nutes that are available better and it also helps to make stronger and less pest resistant but is not a fert/nute in itself. Around the garden and a little on canna, I use the liquid fertilizer also made by the same pple that make Seasol - Ill have to check its name (Powerfeed - Im pretty sure) which is cheap and easy to use and goes well on the vegies etc - same goes for fish emulsion , which might be a cheap and organic way to add a little N when needed. All are in Safways, etc etc with the fish emulsion a particularly cheap but still effective choice. Being that the soil is preferted and the quick growth rate of autos, might not need to add much extra nutes...


thanks for the reply glaucoma.

your a life saver mate didnt read that back properly not much of an organic gardner lol.

i know its not organic but i'm going with what i know best havent really used it in soil before but gave them a hit with andvanced nutes 3 part and alittle extra N to get alittle more green.

we'll see how they go in the next few days:D

Not all of them are dark leafed..especially when they are still young..
so don't worry too much about the colour.

Gotta remember your season is just kicking in...your weather has been up and down..
so they are not as Advanced as you Think regarding weeks they have been in their pots.

Outdoor girls are alway slower...directly light/heat related....

They Look alright to Me...but see if you can get a hold of JM and get himm to check them over...he Really is a Brilliant Plant Doctor.

i know its not organic but i'm going with what i know best havent really used it
in soil before but gave them a hit with andvanced nutes 3 part and alittle extra
N to get alittle more green.

An..I'll tell you what I Know Best.....

You already have them in Amended/fertilised soil...even if it is coo poo and chicken poo...

then you are adding ferts in on top of it...
you aren't on full season..light hours or warmth..
their Transpiration is down..
you have a chance to burn them..stumpy them..or cause mold...

Don't over-Love your girls...it Spoils them....:lol:

When your conditions Lift...you will See them Lift...THEN they Might be asking for a supplemental feed.
thanks for the info wiz.

i did need to give 3 girls a dose of N and it did help them out alot.

this pak i havent touched due to it not looking to need any ferts but in the last day or 2 the leaf tips are going yellow not all just afew and as you can see on the leaf i've taken a pic of it really lookes burnt.

like i said didnt give this lady any ferts so if it is nute burn it has to be due to the slow realease fert in this shit soil.i thought it might be due to overwatering to so have let her completly dry out and gonna just give her a water with ph adjusted water tonight.she still is nice and green but just hopeing its not the start of anything.

going to check my ph tonight but cant think of any other probs.

what you guys reckon

pak leaf.JPGpak above.JPG