A few hours before the pic. From what I read real droopy was underwatering and an eagle claw shape was overwatering so I watered. This is very first run and in coco with me in charge of nutes so she never really had a chance anyways lolwhen is the last time you watered?
Yeah I read that too. Also read water every day. Also read water every other day. So who fuckin knowson my royal dwarves/NL? or on the picture in my reply?
edit: my own plants, i water once a day currently as they are small, but when get bigger I've read you're supposed to only water every 2-3 days. they will need more water though
A few hours before the pic. From what I read real droopy was underwatering and an eagle claw shape was overwatering so I watered. This is very first run and in coco with me in charge of nutes so she never really had a chance anyways lol
18/6If you're running in coco, you want to water every day and have nutes in your water every time. Water to runoff every time. If your coco is really moist and you get runoff really fast, you may be able to skip a day. Your plant looks like it will be ok. How long do you have your lights on for?