New Grower overwatered damn

  • Thread starter Thread starter DizzyKushDawg
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I put them seeds straight into 5 gallon containers,they have been healty until now,the roots have reached further down in pots where it is much more water than half way up and to top of soil. So now they are droopy as damn,i guess its nothing else to do than let them sit ther until it drys out pretty much,right?
I'm confused as to why your medium is soaked at the bottom. Do you pots have adequate drainage holes?
I'm confused as to why your medium is soaked at the bottom. Do you pots have adequate drainage holes?
That is beacause i soked them before i put seeds into,its good big drainage holes,molded to get air easy so no prob. temp was also low as 22 degree cesius, but 27 now.
Little worryed they will stay droopy for awhile beacause they do not drink as much yet. but just gotta wait.
just make sure your ph is on point and you'll be ok... those 5 gal buckets are tricky... bottoms take a long long time to dry out... i've had similar experiences... you'll find in them light waterins in between... just enough to wet the top a bit so they dont dry out on top too much... it takes gettin used to... you'll get 'er..... :toke:
soil ph is stable,i adjusted the heat in tent up to 30 degree cesius yesterday and checked them today,they seems okay and not very droopy now. I think they are on rignt track allready. two have three sets of leaf and one is ahead with four sets. I have the cooltube with 600w hps 33,4 inches (85cm) above plants,is it ok on this stage of leaf development to lower the light as close as i can without me burning my hand? Or should i wait to lower?
soil ph is stable,i adjusted the heat in tent up to 30 degree cesius yesterday and checked them today,they seems okay and not very droopy now. I think they are on rignt track allready. two have three sets of leaf and one is ahead with four sets. I have the cooltube with 600w hps 33,4 inches (85cm) above plants,is it ok on this stage of leaf development to lower the light as close as i can without me burning my hand? Or should i wait to lower?

to help dry out medium you can stick a hose from an aquarium air pump in one of the drainage holes and stuff it to about mid bucket
this will add o2 to the medium as well but increase exchange rate and disipate more moisture at a faster rate
but.... w/ this be warned that ph will change quicker due to the added o2 but this is better for the plant than the small drainage holes we give in larger buckets
this is a continuous input so the swing dif in ph is able to be calculated and accounted for
as for the light well....
i would recommend doing it little by little try six in. at a time and give a day or two to see if plants are strong enough to handle the change
if you get it tooo close then the good stretch(giving room for flower development ) you want will not happen once you notice pretty much a halt to verticle growth then is when i would push the limits of distance to your plants
are you using any type of reflector or the cool tube reflector only ??
in either situation even w/ a cool tube i wouldn't rec getting much closer than 18"-12" depending on conditions but 12" or less is pushing it
what is your area size?
i have seen some plants survive touching a cool tube some got burnt 12" away so it depends on the plant and the situation at hand
hope this helps alittle
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I have a 120x120x180 (cm) secret jardin,just the reflector that comes with cooltube. Yes i know i want them to strech some in veg to get that decent yield. I think 85cm is to close so i will raise it,they can get droopy also when light being to close right? I think they are growing alittle slow,they are about two weeks old,nlxbb have three sets of leaf,critical mass also three sets,but the jack is bigger overall with four sets. Will u say they growing normally or little too slow? I post up a pic.
I dont have a aquarium pump to stick in from bottom,but the drainage holes is really big on all containers,i had to put netting in bottom before putting soil in them,to prevent soil from falling straight thru holes. Its good and airy down ther.
Again,they are not as yellow as they seems. they are really nice vibrant green. its the light combined with blitz on phone make them look abit yellow.
I have a 120x120x180 (cm) secret jardin,just the reflector that comes with cooltube. Yes i know i want them to strech some in veg to get that decent yield. I think 85cm is to close so i will raise it,they can get droopy also when light being to close right? I think they are growing alittle slow,they are about two weeks old,nlxbb have three sets of leaf,critical mass also three sets,but the jack is bigger overall with four sets. Will u say they growing normally or little too slow? I post up a pic.

if you are worried about what seems to be slower growth then it is prob preparing for lift off:)
actually raise the light slightly for the moment depending on the issue increased light will only accelerate it
and if it is close enough the plant doesn't feel the need to stretch out than it is win win for now to raise it alittle
most cool tube reflectors are gueared to be close of course so the reflector gen is 4'x4' max core penetration and a 7'x7' what i would call suplimental lighting
not knowing the specific man of the cool tube i would use this as a general rule of thumb
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now i see pic yes fantastic start nice and stout plants tight internode spacing but...
yes as discussed i would go ahead and raise it to increase the stretch alittle if you have the room the 600 still gets good penetration if they get a little taller but still nice and bushy
too close can also cause droop as you asked
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