Over watering/over feeding recovery help

Sep 6, 2018
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Hey guys,

So at it again with more blunders!
Have written down every watering and feed and looks like I have been over doing it. Ive tried to do the weight test and genuinely thought I had it down. Clearly not.

Plant growth has slowed way down, purple stems are the new norm, couple of clawing leaves, droopiness (which seems to be getting a tiny little bit better) and some lower leaves yellowing and leaf tip burning.

Medium/grow method:
soil organic(ish)

Feed: and supplements used:
Biocanna line, compost tea (just one dose prior to planting), molasses, Cal-Mag, castile (for water penetration). Will additionally use mammoth P for flowering

water source:
Tap, filtered. Aerated and Ph'd generally to 6.4

BCN critical xxl 32 days
Purple haze 32 days

light used:
2 x 100watt optic 1 xl (COB), 1 x 205watt optic 2 (COB), 2 x 130 watt cfls

Day 26/27c max
Night 20c min
RH 45-65%

Additional info:

Heres what my watering schedule has looked like

Pots pre watered 2.5litres each
First week seedling gets light spray
7th day 250ml each
9th day 250mls each
12th day 250mls each
15th day 1/4 strength feed 2 litres each
20th day 1/3 strength feed 2 litres each
23rd day 1 litre plain each
26th day 1/2 strength feed 2 litres each
29th day 1 litre plain each
Currently at day 32

Would love any suggestions on how to go about sorting these girls out. I assume it starts with a matter of leaving them the hell alone! Wondering where I should go once they are ready for more, a feed, just water with cal mag, or just plain ol' water. If feeding maybe tone it down a notch? Looks like I've increased my dosage a bit dramatically. Lights are off right now, but will get some photos of their current disposition when I can. Otherwise you can see photos from 3 days ago on my grown journal, see link in my signature.

Really really appreciate all and every bit of advice I can get right now. Feel like I could be on the precipice of disaster! Hopefully they can be rejuvenated with your help!

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Here’s some photos

Purple haze









BCN critical xxl






As I had them out and about, thought id get the scale and weigh them.
5 gal pots filled with soil both weighing in at 4.7kg. Feels pretty light to me, but then again, seems I may of been misjudging the whole time.
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Purple stems are common on many strains so this is normal.If you only gave her nutes one time you need to feed her and make sure the entire pot is watered until you get runoff.Also you should use cal/mag with every watering.
Purple stems are common on many strains so this is normal.If you only gave her nutes one time you need to feed her and make sure the entire pot is watered until you get runoff.Also you should use cal/mag with every watering.

Hey bro,
Good to hear on the purple stem front, been getting progressively more intense so was getting worried.

I’ve fed her 3 times now, have a detailed watering and feeding schedule up top listing everything I’ve done. I’ve never had run off, they’ve taken everything I’ve given them. Watering slow and steady over may 30 minutes. Haven’t been using cal mag every watering, but with every feed. Should be used in plain watering too??