Outdoor Outdoor northern lights XTRM auto grow

Apr 19, 2017
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
Strawberry kush
Hello AFN. This is my first post here and only my third auto grow.The first two were not so great with 16 plants only pulling about 8oz total.I live in Hawaii and I grow outdoors but this time I will be growing in pots in the sun with 2 300w LEDs to extend the light until about 11pm (I'm on a generator otherwise I would run them longer).so here it is
5x Northern lights XTRM auto from Amsterdam marijuana seeds (AMS)
3x 10 gal pots 2x 7 gal pots
Sunlight + 2x viparspectra 300w led
Fox farm nutes
Wish me luck.pics to come . Seeds are in the paper towel germinating right now.
Good luck to you bud!! Take a look for a thread called Way of the Fox in the stickies in the fertilizer section. Also take a look in this thread fr some ideas in getting the most from your outdoor autos. https://www.autoflower.org/threads/maximizing-outdoor-autos-guide-to-growing-under-the-sun.56402/
Thanks! I will definitely check out way of the fox and that guide is great that's how I learned about LST and got a decent yield out of my last crop,that was before I got lights though.now with all of this knowledge I hope to have a good crop this year! All five seeds sprouted and are looking good!
Hey man, grow for it! See what I did there...grow, like...

You are gonna do great, beautiful bud growing in a beautiful place! Share some pics sometime and hop on into Live Stoner Chat for some good vibes, introduce yourself and learn some stuff! You've stumbled upon the nicest place on the net for your growing needs.
Hey man, grow for it! See what I did there...grow, like...

You are gonna do great, beautiful bud growing in a beautiful place! Share some pics sometime and hop on into Live Stoner Chat for some good vibes, introduce yourself and learn some stuff! You've stumbled upon the nicest place on the net for your growing needs.
Thank you! I am so glad I found this forum. And yes pics to come soon! :smoking:
look forward to seeing your grow bud!! Not sure if the timing will work out for your, but we are hosting a cool outdoor growing contest,,,check out live battles for more details if you are interested!!
day 17 and looking good.all are the same size except for one is about half that size..healthy but small and I'm not sure why
View attachment 746417 day 17 and looking good.all are the same size except for one is about half that size..healthy but small and I'm not sure why

Sometimes plants just dont have the genes to grow like we want them to. Runts just happen sometimes for no obvious reason. Could very well be nothing you have done.
3 of them finished at day 65. 2 I still have going. The 3 I harvested were about 20g each dried and trimmed.low yield but good smoke.

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