New Grower Outdoor autoflower check list

Apr 22, 2015
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I spent quite a few hours on here looking for all the tips and methods I could learn before asking for help.

This is the check list I have so far.

1) Location..I have a secluded location that I spent a year scouting for. . East facing full morning light and partial south facing for direct sun until early afternoon where they will be partly shaded for mid afternoon into the evening.

2)Security.. Site is almost 100% guaranteed not to be seen at ground level. No one knows about my plan. I have information from a source within an office regarding "scouting planes". I live in a very remote prairie farm location surrounded by bush. My source tells me they do not fly anywhere near our area. My spot is also nicely tucked into an area right against a bush line. It will be surrounded by tall grass and nettles etc that grow up to 5 feet.

3) Animals and pests.
For the crawly pests I read about SM-90 as a great preventative foliar spray that will prevent most if not all the little plant eaters from coming. I already have some of this product. Animals...we have deer, racoons, praire dogs, moose, rabbits, you name it, we have them. To address this. The entire area is fenced to keep larger animals out. I piss on a t-shirt hanging in the location on most visits. I also have an item that already surprised me in a good way. Solar Pest repeller. Covers 1500 sq feet. I have a few weeks before I start the grow so getting everything set up now. (I saw a deer go near early yesterday morning, It was reacting to the repeller. it was amusing to watch. This doe heard the low frequency beep and was really on high alert. Started stomping front feet. Snorted a couple times and took off. (I was downwind and I am a seasoned hunter so I know deer behavior so I am not mistaken. This until is primarily for small rodents and rabbits etc. I also have chicken wire to give each plant personal protection.

Water, medium and nutes....Rain barrel near by but have access to R.O if I need. Promix PGX soiless mix. GH 3 part nutes
The greenhouse nursery I deal with uses this product exclusively for all their plants. The manger said no nutes required for about 3 weeks
I picked up fabric shopping bags for 99 cents each that I saw tons of posts on line saying great to use for grow bags

I even have access to power to provide an airstone in the rain barrel. Also plan on using a product called pond clear. (Like Pond zyme) in the rain barrel.

I do have access to starting indoors but I really rather not.
I need help with this to know if anyone can help me with starting them outside instead?

Peace and thanks for reading my post and any help

How does this sound so far?
no reason to keep the water clear, just more chemicals or whatever involved. Sounds like you have the bases covered. If you have a lot of small rodents around, wouldnt hurt to throw some rat poison chunks around the area a couple weeks before you plant. Read about making mini green houses for planting seeds directly using clear plastic cups with the bottom cut off. Bury them in the ground upside down an inch or two deep and they will deter cutworms and the plants will grow right out the top of them. They will provide protection from slugs and wind while seedlings are small. You will have less maintenance involved if you grow organic, but maybe try that next year if you are all ready to go for this season already. Dig a big hole, what genetics will you be using? More light = bigger plants, always. That is the #1 concern for me when looking for a location. Especially when the sun starts to move down in the sky towards fall. Dont plant in a place that has 8 hours of light in June that only ends up with 4 hours in Sept!
It's always better to start seeds indoors and than put outside but if you have some good soil that you can keep moist and the soil temps are warm enough to germinate the seeds it should work.
Thanks treeman,
Do you germinate first or plant seed right into the soil?
Love the plastic cup you cover top of cup with saran wrap to dome until they break the surface?
Already set up with GH nutes and experienced with them from indoor photo grows so organic next try.
I have 10-NL and 10 -Jack Herror beans
I have a second location with more direct sun and will try a couple there. I have read that morning sun is best?
Why dig a hole? I was going to use fabric smart pots and set them each in old tires. If seen from the air it is common on a farm to use old tires to support new young trees. especially young spruce or pine trees. Kind of like hiding in plain site.
Thanks namvet......The thing about starting indoors is I would have to start in small containers and transplant. I have no room indoors if I am planting in the final container. I read a lot on here suggesting to avoid transplanting autos