New Grower Outdoor and indoor every 12 hours???

Feb 4, 2015
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Hi every one
I was wondering now that the days are becoming more bright the sun shines temperature at 22 c
Is it a bad idea to take my plants outside during the day, and back to the grow room before the sun sets so that they may get some true Sun light?:devil:

the temparature at the grow room though is 34 c could that changes stunt them?
I'd be interested to hear what the guru's have to say. There is indoor/outdoor growing practices here, and in certain towns where there is consumer choice, it is touted/ sold as "indoor/outdoor" . One grower claimed that they need true sunlight for certain cannabinoids to be produced ...???... beyond my knowledge.... but.... these guys would not have such a temperature variation moving from in to out and vice versa as the difference you stated, in my mind, it may cause problems as thats a very unnatural sudden variation in temp...:peace:
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Yes i heard about the cannabinoids as well , what could be so wrong except the temperature change?
Nothing could be wrong going into the sun, except for the sudden temp changes, but I may well be wrong. In nature , sudden temp drops of 10-15 deg can happen within minutes, but rarely the opposite. The guys who do this practice in my area would not have such a temp variation that you stated. I, by all means don't know, just food for thought....?