Organic Dry Amendments


Autoflower Aficionado
Cultivators Club
Feb 15, 2022
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Hello everyone. I am currently using FFOF with their trio line of nutes with good success. I wanted to switch over to more of an organic top dress method with just pH'd, or even better tap water, rather than mixing up nutrient solutions all the time.

I wanted to keep using the soil since I've had good luck with it but I was considering getting Down to Earth 4-4-4 for the end of veg and 4-8-4 to top dress throughout bloom. As long as I time it right would this work to replace my bottle nutes and would this method require me to pH my water still?

I'm new to the whole organics idea and I'm coming from bottle nutes so it can be a bit confusing at first glance. Any help is greatly appreciated!
I just switched two grows ago from the Trio to dry amendments. I always ph my water.
Which ever company you use for amendments, they should have a feeding schedule, most are 2 or 3 weeks between feedings.
The important part, is when to start. Which depends on pot size mostly. You want to feed them about 1-2 weeks before the soil nutes run out.
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There are websites that list organic inputs & their NPK. I suggest getting familiar with those lists & start hunting locally for those materials. I have a couple older KitchenAid coffee grinders to process rabbit poop, grains, dried banana peels, & lots more. You can setup bat houses with a catch trays as well.
It really helps cutting down on costs since shipping is so expensive.
I just switched two grows ago from the Trio to dry amendments. I always ph my water.
Which ever company you use for amendments, they should have a feeding schedule, most are 2 or 3 weeks between feedings.
The important part, is when to start. Which depends on pot size mostly. You want to feed them about 1-2 weeks before the soil nutes run out.
Awesome that basically answers all my questions! I'll do a bit more research to see their recommendations. Appreciate the help!
There are websites that list organic inputs & their NPK. I suggest getting familiar with those lists & start hunting locally for those materials. I have a couple older KitchenAid coffee grinders to process rabbit poop, grains, dried banana peels, & lots more. You can setup bat houses with a catch trays as well.
It really helps cutting down on costs since shipping is so expensive.
Definitely some good ideas I'll look into. Anything to keep the grows cheaper and more self sufficient. Appreciate all the info!
Definitely some good ideas I'll look into. Anything to keep the grows cheaper and more self sufficient. Appreciate all the info!
I’m new to cannabis, but have been growing naturally for decades. For me, it’s a lot of fun scoring & processing inputs. It’s surprising what you can find.
Good Luck.
There’s a better list of inputs out there, but it’s hard to find. This one is pretty good ⬇

Probably would make a good sticky in the organic subforum.
Down to earth 484 start to finish. I switched over to that mid grow and my plants loved it. Can’t wait to go a full grow with it. Can’t beat only feeding once every 2 weeks either.
That's exactly what I needed to know! Appreciate the info.