Outdoor Oregon coast outdoor grow



whats up AFN, :smokebuds:
i started my first outdoor grow today, thought id make my own post and keep track of all of it.

seeds im using are
2 northern lights /world of seeds
2 fast bud 2 /sweet seeds

i am using fox farm with the fox farm's grow big, and big bloom. the spot i have is out side in the woods on the side of a west facing mountain. i removed some small trees to help improve the sunlight. the temperature ranges from 50s to 70s.

i started germination 2 days ago, and all 4 roots apeared, using the paper towl method so i planted them today (48 hours).

weather looks good, so i should be good! this is my first grow so i definatly could use some help, so if any one could help me out,, itd be chill! :peace:
Hey man welcome to the site.

Are you able to start those inside for a few weeks and then put them out? This increases their chance of survival because they'll be good and string when you put em out. Not to say that you have to...Just a suggestion.

Go ahead and read up on some pest control. We have an Outdoor section that I believe you've found already and there is a ton of pertinent information for you there. Cheers!
thanks for the reply brotha!
i wish i could start them indoors, but im unable to unfortunately.

i sprayed some pest control stuff around in the area, apparently it works very well. i had some ants before, but after i sprayed they all seemed to disappear.
theres alot of deer in the area out here so i was planning on getting some chicken wire to prevent that!

I have also read about a product called liquid fence. It is said to work great for deer and other smaller mammals; rabbits, coons, chupakabras, monkeys. Ya never know. Depending on your locale you may not want to be placing chicken wire around as that looks kinda obvious and may grab someones attention.

Search some outdoor grows here is what I suggest. There are dozens and surely there are some things on starting outside. straight up. If I can come across some in my searches I will report back.
im definatly going to look into that liquid fence! but the spot i have is on my property so im not to worried about it. its kinda far into the woods.
thanks for the help man! much appreciated:smokebuds:
Anytime and good luck! :smokebuds:
so for the most part, ive read that your sopose to start feeding your plant nutes after the first set of 3 leaves apeare. is that the best explination for that?
if any one could help me id appreciate it!:smoke: