One plant light green, the other two dark green


John Galt
Nov 10, 2019
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I've planted 3 plants and I'm close to flushing. All three are northern lights, All use coco/perlite and 5 gal autopots with air-domes. my 4x2 foot tent is too short for these. This is my second grow. The first I did not use autopots and the growth was not even close to these That is why my plants are brushing the lights and has leave burn (I assume). My question is why did the one plant on the left have light green leaves but the two on the right have dark leaves? All get water from the autopot and air from the air-domes. The plant on the left (light green leaves) is closer to the air conditioning duct. That is the only difference that I can tell. What is going on?
Like @derek420colorado said, most likely just a different phenotype.

Re. flushing, I am not a fan of it, but aside from that, I doubt that you are ready for it yet. Those buds have at least a couple weeks to go, at least I think they do given the pistil color. The light green one may be a bit ahead, but I suspect that even it has quite a while yet. NL seems to be a slow one if grows on here are an indication.

Good luck with it, you have some nice bud on the way. :pighug:
Do you have any closer up shots of the buds mainly the one on the left. She is lookin like she’s fading and getting ready for the big sleep!