Indoor Ok folks i'm new to this auto lark and any pointers are appreciated,

Well a good place to start is genetics.
Firstly I’d recommend Forum Stomper from Mephisto Genetics. 2Fast 2vast Heavyweight seeds. I personally stick with my favorite for Autos and that’s Barneys farm Autos…Runtz, Wedding Cake, Dos si Dos, SKYWALKER all certified. Also LSD Auto is 650g/m2 solid in just 75 days from seed to harvest with an impressive robustness and vigor. All aforementioned autos are beginner friendly too.
Next, I’d check out biobizz organics or if you can afford it, why not use the same nutrients used by Derry himself; Grotek Green Line and you will see buds as big as the ones on the website.
Also, bigger the pot, bigger roots, bigger fruits
Ph must be at 6.5 and temps at 25c and humidity around 50-60 but 40 or less in flowering.
Also leave tap water 24 hours before use, to dechlorinate.

If you have any other questions I’m here
Well a good place to start is genetics.
Firstly I’d recommend Forum Stomper from Mephisto Genetics. 2Fast 2vast Heavyweight seeds. I personally stick with my favorite for Autos and that’s Barneys farm Autos…Runtz, Wedding Cake, Dos si Dos, SKYWALKER all certified. Also LSD Auto is 650g/m2 solid in just 75 days from seed to harvest with an impressive robustness and vigor. All aforementioned autos are beginner friendly too.
Next, I’d check out biobizz organics or if you can afford it, why not use the same nutrients used by Derry himself; Grotek Green Line and you will see buds as big as the ones on the website.
Also, bigger the pot, bigger roots, bigger fruits
Ph must be at 6.5 and temps at 25c and humidity around 50-60 but 40 or less in flowering.
Also leave tap water 24 hours before use, to dechlorinate.
Lol, i have forum stomper, crem de la chem, double grape, og 3 x bears and ripleys og, why bio bizz organics! i have always used vitalink coco nutes as i have found them both stable and decent results with never any deficiencies ever, this is said as most nutes state that you must add cal mag to coco nutes, i never have ever.i have used most well known nutes over 25 years and loved by many canna i consider amongst the crappiest i ever used, always had some issue using them.
As for pot sizes, start off in pot you mean to finish in!
i have debunked this pot size too, to an extent, achieving virtually the same harvest total in 6.5 litre square pots drip fed as massive plants in massive pots alas larger pots were also vegged massively compared to 6.5 litre pots very little but pro rata so to speak, it was a case of swings and roundabouts little pots were favoured. So onto ph, i always always stick with the sweet spot of 5.9 everytime in coco, i now about rh temps leaving water min 24 hours etc, but appreciate your input Mallett, Not Lee by any chance! uk420man
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I took a different approach:
- germinate in jiffy
- transfer to a small pot when the first leaves appear
- transplant in 20L fabric pot when leaves are "out" of the pot (usually is around the third internode)
- topping at the sixth internode (is extremely important that you top before pre-flower, usually around day 20)
- I use dutchpro, dutchpro soil all mix ( I don't like biobizz at all!), but I don't use the whole line, my choice is: TakeRoot, A/B grow, CalMag and for flowering A/B bloom and Explode ( I love Explode!)
- I feed every watering half of the dose suggested (sometimes even less and I raised the dosage little by little)
Light schedule I'm going 24/0 but 18/6 works good too.

I used to check ph and ppm but I don't do it anymore, I figured it out, with time, that the worst enemy of your girls is you and your over-thinking, I know a lot of people would disagree with this , however it works for me.
If you have any questions, feel free to write me.

Happy growing!
I was lead to believe that autos will flower irrespective of a changing light schedule as this is something that is genetically in the plant to automatically flower to reproduce due to them being northern hemisphere crossed strains, now i don't have scooby doo as to why there are differing light regimes according to different growers and also strains, so if i for example flowered on 12/12 once at the flowering stage would this effectively both lengthen the flowering time and lower the final yield compared to say flowering on 18/6 or 24/7!!
Like i mentioned, i'm new to this auto thing, but can read a plants needs/issues pretty well, having grown perpetually more or less for the past 25 years.
My plan is vegging under luxx leds 24/7 until they hit flower mode, then shove them into the room housing my 315 cdm and was hoping to do this on 12/12. moreso due to the extortionate energy price we are all facing in the u.k.
Anyway i welcome all suggestions. fyi i only use grow, bloom and pk, that's it, i've never been a fan of bud blasters. although i've tried many and most did next to nothing compared to their costs, imho they were not a cost effective thing to use.
You can certainly run them 12/12, however since the auto doesn't need the schedule change to induce flowering it can take advantage of the longer light period on an 18/6 schedule. Quick growth and less days. A few less weeks of flowering time would most likely more than make up for a few more hours of "on" time.
You can certainly run them 12/12, however since the auto doesn't need the schedule change to induce flowering it can take advantage of the longer light period on an 18/6 schedule. Quick growth and less days. A few less weeks of flowering time would most likely more than make up for a few more hours of "on" time.
thanks fella for the informative reply, appreciate it.
