Grow Mediums OG Kush Hydroponics Grow by Smoosh

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I started this grow some time ago so I'll just give a outline of the issues I've had and how I delt with them up antill now.

Light : 270w LED, 60° lens
Extraction: 4" Carbon Filter 210m2ph
Input Draw: 4" 158m2ph
Medium: DWC
Pump: 70lpm silent Koi pump, 5 cm air diffuser

Nutrients: Started with Lucas Formula and tap water. Now using Ionic and RO DI.
Addertives: Rhizotonic, Big Bud, Bud Blood, Treacle, Silica, Formulex and obviously pH correctors.

First of I soaked my seed in tap water, meanwhile I scrubbed my pebbles in tap water and soaked my rockwwool in pH 5 water with a drop of Rhizotonic in it.
Seed cracked and went straight in rockwool, res was 1.2 ish with formulex and rhizotonic. Didn't top feed at all and she rooted in about 3 days. I kept her on Formulex for about 2 weeks then dropped the lucas Formula on her. Now keep in mind Lucas only has two formulas 1 for floro lights other for hps, no other variations. So bang in goes 0-8-16 to my tap water. EC about 3.8 oh well, right? Lucas says throw away your EC meter and just deal with pH. Now lucas Formula is pretty old and I don't know it the recipe is different in the US but whatever the reason it was shit for me. I then purchased a RODI filter unit and tried again with lucas formula EC was still super high at just under 3, lucas got the boot and Ionic was up. So far I've used grow and bloom with no problems.

Zoom forward to the start of week 5 of flower and that's where I'm at, she's drinking about 3lts a day on a pH of 5.5-6.1. With Ionic Bloom, Big Bud, Silica and Black Treacle. I'll post up some pictures when my lights come on.

Questions and suggestions welcome.