not sure if this belongs here, but it is LOS

Apr 30, 2017
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I have some Humboldt seeds Green Crack that are 7 weeks old. they went from 3 gallons pots to 25 gallon fabric pots about a week ago. in the 3 gallon pots they were in Happy frog and ocean mix soil, and I was using General Organics Grow, and General Hydroponics Cal-mag. now in the 25 gal pots they're in a supersoil mix consisting of
6cf of peat
3cf of very well composted cow manure
1.5cf perlite
1.5cf earthworm casting
4 cups blood meal
8 cups bone meal
4 cups kelp meal
2 cups diatomaceous earth
4 cups alfalfa pellets
2 cups crab meal
3 cups ground oyster shell

I have 8 of 12 plants showing these symptoms. is my soil lacking something critical?
Cal mag,and a more slow release of N like SOY meal,cotton seed meal. aftwer three weeks outside blood meal will eventually turn more soluble and leach out over a cpl month and since your plants want more,there needs to be two type imo for more balanced feeding properties. but right now a Tea and then a top coating you essentially build for this reason.high N and flower potent top coating with a tea prior. thats what Id do.looks like it may be a little hot too from the waviness of your leaves on the one. which high temp leach out the P in your soil through gassing off. or cooking off essentially. so there is a few smaller accumulative issues imo.and I saw no lime in the mix either so thats usually a problem iver a month of two with the breaking down and leaching out of foods and the like changing the properties of the soil.
oops, forgot to list that. I did 8 cups dolomite lime in that mix. I'll fix the original post.
so I need to do an aerated tea? could you recommend a recipe? also, you're thinking cal-mag is lacking? I have a bottle of CALiMAGic from General Hydroponics. should I add that to the tea, or do a foliar spray with Epsom salts? thanks for the help.
how long did this soil cook? And you MUST get a good soil pH probe, you cannot just hope and guess when making your own soil mate, or it will rain grief upon you,... tops going pale like that is Fe and/or Zn defc. from either lack-of (blood meal not broken down yet), or the pH is too high (locks out around 7.0),... to deal with this, it's critical that you get an accurate pH of that soil,.. that Accurate 8 probe I recommended is the ticket,... worst case, you do a slurry test with your pH meter; make sure it's calibrated! get about a cup of soil, a cup of unadjusted water, RO or DI is best, mix and let sit for an hour, then test,... then you'll know if you need to simply add a right-now available Fe/Zn supplement (Earth Juice Microblast), or get the soil pH down into range first, then treat the defc.,.... adding to off-pH soil will make matters worse more likely,....
I got the probe you recommended. Soil is 6.6-6.8ph in all 12 pots. I'll grab some of the earth juice microblast. I know my soil wasn't quite cooked long enough (10 days), but my plants were root bound in the previous pots and I didn't want to leave them any longer. thanks for your help here too.