Not sure if over/under watered, or ph issues


Cultivators Club
Dec 22, 2016
Reaction score
Problem: Plants are drooping, slow growth

Medium/grow method: Pro mix BX, added Coco Loco

Feed: and supplements used: Advanced Nutrients Sensi Grow hydro, voodoo juice, micromunch, calmag, b53,
ph up, 2ml/gal for all of them except ph up

water source: R/O

Strain/age: Mephisto SODK and Ripleys OG
Day 19 today

light used: Platinum P150 and Galaxyhydro 300w dimmable

Climate: tent

Additional info: Thought they were over or under watered, but saw something about pro mix and the ph only other thing I can think of. I gave little water so thought was under watered soil seemed dry so gave water 10pm last night. This morning they were still droopy so not thinking its under watering, at least not the only thing. So that's where I came across ph issues with pro mix. Will ph run off asap but may not be able to until tonight or tomorrow morning. This is my 3rd grow 1st time using pro mix. Pics are from yesterday at day 18. Thanks in advance.
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Also I switched all my lights on from just veg around the time I noticed the drooping. Should I turn back to just veg?
:toke: --- how far away are they from the lights? Seedlings don't like the same intensity as more mature plants... should be about 2' away,... also, have you feed them already? This is fine given the mix, but they look a little N cooked, from the bowing of the leaves,.... what pH are you adjusting to?
Lights were 32" until like day 10. Day 7 I started feed 2 ml/gal of sensi grow a and b, voodoo juice, b52, calmag. So don't know how they could have N burn. Ph to 6.2-6.3
Should I flush them? Wasn't sure if I should, thought they could be over watered. Thing is I never gave much water yet. Have not got run off yet they are in 5gal fabric pots and only gave 2-3oz every day so far. They weren't huge so gave less. So they should more likely to be under watered, I just don't want to make things worse by doing the wrong thing. Any help you can give would be much appreciated. Thanks
Oh, keep veg' lights on, to see if you can get some bulk up going before bloom starts,... They likely won't get much bigger, if they're at day 19 by now...
....doesn't look like a wet/dry issue, notice the leaf petioles are not drooping... this is all leaf curl, most likely from the feeds... it's not nute burn, per se, this looks like a little too much N.. unless your T and RH are off? Lights are OK,... The leaves may grow out of this shape over time, young leaves are prone to various distortions sometimes,...
... don't flush, that's something to be done as a last resort for badly off pH and serious overfeeding,.... As for this mix of mediums, it's not the bestway to go with true soilless mediums,.. better to stay with one or the other, because coco has several important culture differences, do's and don't's, vs peat based mediums like promix,... Coco has very different CEC properties, making it necessary to use extra Ca-Mg,...