New Grower Not Autoflowering, Switching to 12/12 Question

Jan 16, 2013
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I have a Himalaya Blue Diesel plant that is at 30 days. It has pre-flower hairs only and it not going into flowering. My plan is to switch the lights to 12/12 to try and induce flowering. My question is if I do get the plant to start flowering using 12/12 can I switch the lights back to 18 on, 6 off for the remainder of the grow? Or, should I keep the lights at 12/12 for the remainder?
How long have the preflower pistols been out? It does take a little time after preflower for the main pistols start to show.
Thanks for the reply Namvet,
I checked my notes and preflower pistols showed on April 5th (9 days ago). No flowering yet. I have another HBD plant started at the same time and it is fully into the flowering stage. Should I leave it a bit longer? How much longer before switching to 12/12. Or is stay 15 on/ 9 off worth a try?
You should be seeing main pistols starting any time.Iwould wait another two days and see if it changes than switch to 12/12.I also had two c jacks started the same time and one is about two weeks behind so this stuff happens but she will be ok.
Hi Mad scientist
I just finished 2 HBD they were 2 different pheno I guess you call them. One was behind a bit in flowering but she caught up on her own. I may have even put them under the 2700k lights and bloom nutes a bit early. It should work itself out... I'm not an expert here just thought I would a add some encouragement. Good luck.
As a side note... I chopped one a bit early and the other I let go. that one put on some good weight in the final 2 weeks. It's smells great! I have not tried that one yet but looking forward to it.
Sorry to hear of your trouble buddy... If it's any consolation your not alone with the troubles of the HBD.... To me an auto that throws out so many non auto'ing phenos it says to me the strain was not stablized enough generations to ensure the auto flowering trait ( which is not always 100% as in nature anything is possible but for the most part after f4 or f5 that trait should be down pat) with that being said if you go to 12/12 (which I'm guessing you'll need to at the very least it may be a light sensitive strain) but as with a normal photo it will start to show pre sex bits after the plants been in veg so long, usually flowering doesn't start till the node branches begin to alternate. So from the sound of things it will not flower and the yield difference by going to 12/12 on the fully auto one the yield will not suffer that
much, 10-15% is what I've experienced with autos at 12/12. So I'd suggest that to go to 12/12....
:Sharing One:
dont go back up in hours after dropping to 12/12 , some people claim to of gotten away with it but i wouldnt advise it , id rather lose a small % of the yield then most of it to hermies and seeded bud

Thanks for all of the advice everyone. I really appreciate it. I think I will keep her at 18 hours on for a few more days and see what happens. If the plant is still not into flowering I guess I will give 12-12 a try. Thanks again,
Hi, for reluctant flowerers in general I tend to put them into the "naughty box" overnight (i.e.12 hrs darkness) to force them for about a fortnight or so, then return them to the usual 18:6 lighting regime. I have tried growing 4 HBD so far and none have autoflowered, it is also the only strain I've had so far that would return to vegetative growth once flowering or has shown any of the issues Bob mentions. Thus, specifically for HBD I would recommend keeping it on 12:12 right through flowering just in case.

I'm quite jealous that you got an auto one...
hey people I know it's been a long time since but I have to ask a very similar question.I got a Six Shooter and a Girl Scout Cookies both by FastBuds. We are at the end of week 7,Six Shooter's been flowering for 4 weeks but Cookies still not flowering.It has only a few preflowers by the main stem and no sign of flowering other than that FOR FUCKING 3 WEEKS. Does it sound reasonable?

If I switch to 12/12 , how would it affect Six Shooter's yield? It's actually flowering without any problem.I would wait until SS finishes flowering but if I had enough time...