Outdoor Northern Lights Auto Mini Forest


I love growing
Dec 19, 2017
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
I'm a grower not a smoker.
A while ago I asked if it was better to do many forest guerillas, or several well tended plants. The answer came to me in my sleep: Do many well tended forest guerillas!

Going out 2 weeks apart.
56 NL.jpg


72 NL.jpg
holy smokes! dont put all your eggs in one basket.... how many u doing / location?
250 Autos in 2 locations,
275 Photos (100 GG#4, 100 Honduran, 50 Jamaican) in 4 locations.
While I have room for 5 or 6 thousand in these spots, I'd never be able to harvest without a crew and I'd rather not go down that road.
A dozen Chemdog, Kali Mist and 50 seeds from a 75 plant grow (unknown strain) I stumbled on last fall while on the quad. And no... I didn't take it (I have more than I can ever smoke as it is, and it could have been someone's yearly revenue.) I went back to check on it in November after 3 hard frosts. Low and behold, most survived and had the most beautiful shimmering purple fan leaves I've ever seen. The colas were harvested, so I helped myself to about 4oz of popcorn. I'll do a seed run with a few because it's a nice proven frost hardened strain with a potent high.
(shitty phone picture)

I'll be doing controlled seed runs with some to replenish the shelves.
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You must be going for the "Individual Gorilla Grow" extravaganza gold medal. Lots o' luck.
There's a medal for that!?! lol

It's not about the numbers, it's about the weight, and to max out I need a strategy, and that strategy dictates that the smaller stuff be sacrificed to mother nature. Colas and big buds only.

Everything has to be planned and scheduled to increase efficiency. For example, I had to modify a 3" Ice Auger to fit my cordless drill, and carry two extra high capacity Li-Ion batteries. I can drill 1 hole a minute (3' x 12"). Once I get down nice and deep, I force the auger into the side of the hole in a circular motion to widen it. The first 250 holes are already dug and 1 cup of hot mix is in the holes. A healthy dose of Chicken manure pellets is spread in the plot once the holes are dug.

wow, ambitious grower! What kind of ferts do you use? Plants look very healthy!
Not mine. This was a grow I discovered last fall.

Ferts? I use this basic mix (only the hot stuff), but I make it dangerously hot and add fish bone meal and epsom salts, so I only have to carry a bit to the field to amend the holes (one cup per hole). I also add Root Stim, Mycorrhizae and bit of water crystals at planting time.
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Blame 912GreenSkell. He inspired me with his "how to" post. lol

I don't even smoke the stuff. The odd toke gets me ripped (I'm a total lightweight).

They're primo spots. One spot alone, if I had the crew, could easily take 5k with room to spare. It even has an artesian spring. Walking in is a hard heavy thick wooded nightmare, so I dropped off supplies over the winter with a snowmobile.

No holidays until the new year. It's definitely not all beer and skittles. It's pissing rain here and I just came in soaked and freezing from digging more holes. And the mosquitoes are already out!
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