New Grower noob here question about feeding/fertilizers (and soil)

Apr 2, 2013
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hey, so I'm a noob, and this whole fertilizer thing is confusing me. To start off, I am NOT trying to be absolutely 100% perfect here, in the sense of picking the absolute best soil, the absolute fest fertilizer for autoflowers, etc. I just want to nail down the basics and grow some decent bud, that is all.

This is what I got so far.. Autoflowers are light feeders, in fact during veg they don't require any nutes at all (is this true?).

So that being said, I should be careful what soil to get? For example people say stay away from miracle grow cause it has too many nutrients and it will burn the plant?

how do I know what soil to get :/ Is any regular good old soil with perlite ok? What would be a better option than regular soil? Just any soil with some added organic nutes? (also i live in canada where there are no fox farm products here just saying).

Now for the feeding part, should they be fed anything during veg? And for flowering I read that flowering cannabis plants need more P and K and less nitrogen.. so a 10/20/20 type bloom fertilizer.

How do I make sure i dont screw up when buying the flower fertilizer? Will any 10/20/20 fert work?
ok so to basically summarize, what sort of soil should I be looking at getting, or is any potting soil perfectly fine.

should I feed during veg, and for flowering will any bloom fertilizer work? Is liquid generally better than solid or does it not matter.
Start by reading anything on this forum posted by Muddy. There are also several other experts on AFN with wonderful advice. Read everything you can here and also use the google. All your questions will be answered. I grow organic now so I can't help much with nutes. Anyone can grow weed. But, those that pay attention grow good weed. The veterans grow great weed.
Go now grasshopper and grow great weed in the future. :goodluck:
ok so to basically summarize, what sort of soil should I be looking at getting, or is any potting soil perfectly fine.

should I feed during veg, and for flowering will any bloom fertilizer work? Is liquid generally better than solid or does it not matter.
Okay this is what I am using for my first auto grow and so far every thing is working like a charm . As was suggested by seasoned grower here apply the KISS principle and you can't go wrong . I'm using Promix BX in 3 gal felt pots . Floratonic nutrients . I have a 55" x 28" grow tent equipped with a Apollo 8 led light.
Floratonics has an online feeding program that is easy to follow .I would stay away from potting soils as I find that they compact too much . I used them in an outside grow and would not use them again unless I added a considerable amount of peat to them . Do not use Miracle Grow fertilizers at all .
As far as being perfect you may not want to be but your plants are going to demand it believe me . :tiphat:

Poke around this site there's lots to learn and the best of the best are right here . :thumbs:
yeah im def gonna go with KISS method and alright il do some more research