Outdoor Nirvana Short Rider "New Batch" experiment



I call this an experiment simply because I don't know what to expect. I know most people wouldn't buy the Short Rider. But Nirvana has said that the "new batch" has been perfected. So I am going to give them a go. So far it has been a decent run. 3 of 5 seeds popped using the paper towel method. Of the 3, one is 12 days old , one 11 days and one at 5 days. All of them are in FFOF soil & they have not burned in the" HOT" soil. They are outside with direct light for 9-10hrs and get another 6 hours a night under CFL's. I am skipping veg. nutes all together to maybe reduce chances of prolonged vegetation. Then plan to use a light mix of FF Big bloom & Tiger bloom. 2 of them are in 1 gal. pots, and 1 is in a 16oz. party cup. So lets see if the new batch is a Better batch:)

Keep it smoking! :toke:


12 Days

11 Days: Stunted on day 1 when something nibbled on it:)

5 Days
I've also got a couple of short riders going and are looking good so far....both are 30-35 days old and healthy looking although not sexed yet....got'em along side some nirvana NL-autossupposedly all fems but have had one go male in 3 weeks....here's a poc of the sr from a couple of day ago...SR8-26.jpg
Healthy looking plant you got going there! It sucks that they haven't flowered yet. I must admit, it has me a bit worried. I may have picked a bad strain to start with on auto's huh! I really hope mine do auto cuz I can't be growing plants all winter. I just needed a couple extra lids to get me by till spring due to my small Photo garden this year. Damn! But we will see. It seems kind of hit or miss whether these bitches auto or not.

Keep it smoking!
Just took my ladies outta the tent for some touchy feely and found both SR had sexed...along with the NL-A....The second SR isn't as tall as the one in the pic and is bushier....
Don't worry much about ya beans....Nirvana did have a batch or two that didn't auto in the past but puting'em on 12/12 solved that....Their NL was more of a prob than the SR ever was....
I've seen autos that sex at 15 days and I've seen'em that took the month it just took for mine....
Keep the faith....and btw....welcome to AFN....
Looks like a good start, I'll keep my fingers crossed for you in hopes they all autoflower and are ready to harvest before the cold hits!
A little update here. The party cup Short Rider has begun to flower 20 days after popping out of the dirt. So far so good. We will see how the other 2 go. I will get some pics up some time tomorrow:)

Nice grow. 20 days is about the norm. for auto's. So your right on track...
Sounds god! I've begun to notice something with my SR and NL-a....I have 2 NL and 2 SR.....having grows NL a before a couple of times...these two are totally different....stretched like hell and lanky.....exactly like the 2 SR right beside them.....yes EXACTLY! :confused:....All are throwing flowers but I'd dare say all these came from the same pack of seeds although they arrived a month apart from the same source....shit.....
Ok folks! Sorry about the wait on pics. RL has been hell lately! Here are my pretty little ladies. The party cup & the largest 1 gal. lady are 2 days into flower. So far so good. I am SOOOO relieved that the batch of Short Riders I got are true auto's. Too bad they only come in fem. beans or I would do a small seed run.




Keep it smoking!