I was concerned about the news they weren't autoflowering also. I had already ordered the seeds direct from Nirvana before I Googled the strain and found a lot of older threads from people complaining about them no autoflowering. I couldn't find one thread anywhere that had anybody saying theirs autoflowered.
I emailed Nirvana and they assured me they had problems with old seeds but the problem was corrected over one year ago.
My three seeds germinated and autoflowered with no problem right on time. My lights have been 20/4 since day one and they started pre-flowering in week 4 and just finished week 5 with well developing flowers everywhere. One of three seeds is a runt and growing about 1.5 weeks behind in development compared to the other two although it was planted an entire week before the others. The runt just started pre-flowering in week five.
Yes this strain does autoflower and the issue has been fixed by Nirvana
That's great news. Thanks for the info my friend
By the way are you a photographer? I ask because those pictures look awesome. More like art than an actual picture
Thanks realcarlos. Yes, I've been a photographer for a long time and love taking photos. I took these photos on my iPhone using a free app called Camera Awesome! by SmugMug.
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