New Grower Nirvana Auto Blue Mystic Question??

Nov 25, 2012
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Hello everyone greetings to all on a saturday afternoon:tiphat: I have a question I received a 5 pk of nirvana blue mystic today from alibongo today and I think I may have received the photoperiod seeds instead of autoflowers.I was looking at label and envelope and no where does it say auto flower label on back next to barcode says aa 0492 nirvana blue mystic c 5pk fem 23.99(british pounds) ..... I was hoping someone could look at there packs and tell me if they are marked the sameway on there autos thanxs guys I have shot a email off was just hoping to start them this weekend and not have to wait thanx again:grat::grat: for looking.... 0314152041.jpg
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The autos are 22.99 and the photo feminised is 23.99

I think you got the wrong ones
thank you fantasy island can I ask where you got that info?I have looked at the nirvana site and the prices are both the same and it says 20 pounds. I was thinking that the more important give away is the code numbers or that the aa should read af for autoflower?????? thanxs:d5:
If it doesn't say autoflower anywhere on the package I wouldn't start these untill you've heard from Nirvana Seeds
thank you fantasy island can I ask where you got that info?I have looked at the nirvana site and the prices are both the same and it says 20 pounds. I was thinking that the more important give away is the code numbers or that the aa should read af for autoflower?????? thanxs:d5:

Sorry took so long to reply. But that info is from me going to their website. That is I went to alibongo website
alibongo sent the wrong ones but they said they are sending the autos out to me and I will send the photoperiods back self addressed envelope so all is good thank you all for the help:d5: