Night Owl Seeds Night Owl Sativas Organic Grow

Rick Dirte'

Cultivators Club
Dec 11, 2019
Reaction score
Hello AFN. A few months ago I read a thread on another forum about cob curing cannabis. The guy that started the thread said the ferment cure has it's best effects on strong sativas. I did a little reading and bought these beans from the ladies at Hembra.

I've got Bubblegum Queen, Galaxy Brain, Cosmic Apprentice and Mango smile going in my super soil in 5 gal cloth bags.
These girls are under a Growers Choice ROI E680 + a HLG 30 UVA bar. I'll start the UV on a 12 hour cycle after the 2nd week of flowering.
First 2 weeks I watered with yucca powder and a bit of Recharge. At 2 weeks I added Mammoth silica to the watering regime.
After the 3rd week I start them on fish hydrolysate. When they start flowering I top dressed each plant with 1 cup Blue Ribbon compost, 1 cup EWC,
1/2 tsp Flower Finisher and 1 tsp Bio Fish. I also add Liquid Weight to the waterings after they flower.
After a little bit of a rough start they are going strong now.

Bub Queen (back corner), Cos App both 20 days. Gal Brain 16 days.


Bub Queen (front right) day 24.


Gal Brain (front left) day 22. Bub Queen (front right) day 26. Cos App (back left) day 26. Mango Isle (back right) day 16

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Everything is growing good. Day 36 for Bubblegum Queen (front right} and Cosmic Apprentice (back left).
Galaxy Brain (front left) is 32" tall on day 32. The Mango Isle (back right) is 10 days behind on day 26 and starting to come on.


Galaxy Brain day 32


My Cosmic Apprentice mutated after popping right up as a perfect seedling. She's kind of a mess but healthy and growing strong now.

Well the girls have a case of stuck shut stomates but some smart folks here lined me out about VPD and I've
got the humidity up to 50%. The plants with the help of the microbes will endeavor to persevere, I'll try not to f*ck them up.:biggrin:

Here's a group shot. Bubblegum Queen day 42 got a haircut. Starting UVA today.


Cosmic Apprentice day 42. Mmmm mutant weed.:biggrin:


Mango Isle day 32. Flowering started day 30.


I'm really happy with the way these Night Owl plants have set bud. Galaxy Brain day 38

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Thanks Jaxon. Yes I should have been reading more here over the last 3 years instead of trying to figure this indoor growing out on my own.
I did learn about building my soil for cannabis from the organic forum here. This place is a great resource for growers.
Well the girls have a case of stuck shut stomates but some smart folks here lined me out about VPD and I've
got the humidity up to 50%. The plants with the help of the microbes will endeavor to persevere, I'll try not to fuck them up.:biggrin:

Here's a group shot. Bubblegum Queen day 42 got a haircut. Starting UVA today.


Cosmic Apprentice. Mmmm mutant weed.:biggrin:


Mango Isle day 32. Flowering started day 30.


I'm really happy with the way these Night Owl plants have set bud. Galaxy Brain day 38

Those night owls are beautiful and on my list. A smoke report on the other end will be appreciated... :pimp: groovy