Indoor NEWBIE! UK! Organic Barney's Sin Tra Bajo Autoflower Grow Journal!

Mar 23, 2017
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Hey all, new here!

This is my third ever grow, but first in a new room/environment with new lights. I am still a total noob.

First grow I ever did was two Afghan Kush Ryders, and my second was a photoperiod Candy Kush. Afghan Kush Ryders were planted in small pots and grown in a closet, using one 90w UFO LED and some CFLs. Yielded probably an ounce at most from both plants (horrible yield, but my first and barely knew what I was doing).

I currently have:
  • 2 Barney's Sin Tra Bajo Autoflower (mainly focusing on one in this journal)
  • 1 Photoperiod Candyland (Grand Daddy Purp Genetics) - unknown gender. Bag seed

They are on DAY 23 since they popped out the soil. Sin Tra Bajo showed pistils yesterday! They have both been transplanted once, from a small cup to the pots they are in now. The Sin Tra Bajo's pot is slightly bigger. Before transplanting, soil was sprinkled with Mychorrizae Funghi beneath the transplanted roots.

They are both in BioBizz Light Soil and have both been fed once so far (on Day 15). Please see nutes I'm using below. They both were only fed BioBizz Grow as other nutes did not arrive on time.

The nutes I am using:

  • BioBizz Grow
  • BioBizz Heaven
  • BioBizz Alg-a-mic

  • BioBizz Bloom
  • BioBizz Top Max

The lights I am using are:
  • 90w UFO LED
I am using a 24 HOUR LIGHT SCHEDULE. My plan is to veg the Candyland until I harvest the Sin Tra Bajo, and at that point I will switch it to flowering.

I use EVIAN WATER to feed, which has a good amount of Cal / Mag in it.

I have never PH'd. I do not know the PH of my soil.

So yeah, both plants have suffered some heat stress in the beginning as there was only a tiny fan that wasn't pointed at the plants. This was shown by leaves curling up on the edges. Got a bigger fan and it helped.

The Sin Tra Bajo started showing white/yellow/brown spots here and there on its leaves. At first I thought it was mites, but could not see a thing. I started to mist the plants with a cinnamon water mix to deter the mites. It might have been splash marks from nute water, I'm not sure. Either way, it seems to have stopped spreading.

MY MAIN ISSUE RIGHT NOW: The Sin Tra Bajo's leaves are yellowing. At first I thought it was light intensity, so I moved the LED higher yesterday, but it seems to be getting worse. It is mainly showing at the top leaves and top bud sites. Could it be nute burn? I gave 3/4 the stated dose (I know people advise half or less than half but I thought since Im using organics Id be OK.. guess not!) of BioBizz grow. I "flushed" the plant the next day, although not to the point of loads of run off, just a bit, which I know is probably wrong. It hasn't had any water since.

Have a look at the pictures: what do you guys think?





Does this look like nute burn to you guys? The only reason why I think it might not be, is because the lower leaves arent showing any nute burn, and surely it would show up in them first, right?
Hey all, new here!

This is my third ever grow, but first in a new room/environment with new lights. I am still a total noob.

First grow I ever did was two Afghan Kush Ryders, and my second was a photoperiod Candy Kush. Afghan Kush Ryders were planted in small pots and grown in a closet, using one 90w UFO LED and some CFLs. Yielded probably an ounce at most from both plants (horrible yield, but my first and barely knew what I was doing).

I currently have:
  • 2 Barney's Sin Tra Bajo Autoflower (mainly focusing on one in this journal)
  • 1 Photoperiod Candyland (Grand Daddy Purp Genetics) - unknown gender. Bag seed

They are on DAY 23 since they popped out the soil. Sin Tra Bajo showed pistils yesterday! They have both been transplanted once, from a small cup to the pots they are in now. The Sin Tra Bajo's pot is slightly bigger. Before transplanting, soil was sprinkled with Mychorrizae Funghi beneath the transplanted roots.

They are both in BioBizz Light Soil and have both been fed once so far (on Day 15). Please see nutes I'm using below. They both were only fed BioBizz Grow as other nutes did not arrive on time.

The nutes I am using:

  • BioBizz Grow
  • BioBizz Heaven
  • BioBizz Alg-a-mic

  • BioBizz Bloom
  • BioBizz Top Max

The lights I am using are:
  • 90w UFO LED
I am using a 24 HOUR LIGHT SCHEDULE. My plan is to veg the Candyland until I harvest the Sin Tra Bajo, and at that point I will switch it to flowering.

I use EVIAN WATER to feed, which has a good amount of Cal / Mag in it.

I have never PH'd. I do not know the PH of my soil.

So yeah, both plants have suffered some heat stress in the beginning as there was only a tiny fan that wasn't pointed at the plants. This was shown by leaves curling up on the edges. Got a bigger fan and it helped.

The Sin Tra Bajo started showing white/yellow/brown spots here and there on its leaves. At first I thought it was mites, but could not see a thing. I started to mist the plants with a cinnamon water mix to deter the mites. It might have been splash marks from nute water, I'm not sure. Either way, it seems to have stopped spreading.

MY MAIN ISSUE RIGHT NOW: The Sin Tra Bajo's leaves are yellowing. At first I thought it was light intensity, so I moved the LED higher yesterday, but it seems to be getting worse. It is mainly showing at the top leaves and top bud sites. Could it be nute burn? I gave 3/4 the stated dose (I know people advise half or less than half but I thought since Im using organics Id be OK.. guess not!) of BioBizz grow. I "flushed" the plant the next day, although not to the point of loads of run off, just a bit, which I know is probably wrong. It hasn't had any water since.

Have a look at the pictures: what do you guys think?





Does this look like nute burn to you guys? The only reason why I think it might not be, is because the lower leaves arent showing any nute burn, and surely it would show up in them first, right?
How did the vipra treat u, I wanted to get one but was wondering the yields it would create

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How did the vipra treat u, I wanted to get one but was wondering the yields it would create

Sent from my SM-G550T1 using Tapatalk

This is my first grow using one. I have to say I am really impressed with it so far - the growth has been really fast for just day 23 from sprouting. You also have an option to switch to "bloom" and "flowering" colors or both of them for a full spectrum. When at full spectrum, it really does give a sunlight feel - not that purple tint from unbranded LED's (I know it looks purple in my photos but there is also an unbranded 90w UFO LED running next to it) Gonna have to wait and see how it does for yield!
Looks like light burn.How many watts is your light and how close to plants is it.
Hey all, new here!

This is my third ever grow, but first in a new room/environment with new lights. I am still a total noob.

First grow I ever did was two Afghan Kush Ryders, and my second was a photoperiod Candy Kush. Afghan Kush Ryders were planted in small pots and grown in a closet, using one 90w UFO LED and some CFLs. Yielded probably an ounce at most from both plants (horrible yield, but my first and barely knew what I was doing).

I currently have:
  • 2 Barney's Sin Tra Bajo Autoflower (mainly focusing on one in this journal)
  • 1 Photoperiod Candyland (Grand Daddy Purp Genetics) - unknown gender. Bag seed

They are on DAY 23 since they popped out the soil. Sin Tra Bajo showed pistils yesterday! They have both been transplanted once, from a small cup to the pots they are in now. The Sin Tra Bajo's pot is slightly bigger. Before transplanting, soil was sprinkled with Mychorrizae Funghi beneath the transplanted roots.

They are both in BioBizz Light Soil and have both been fed once so far (on Day 15). Please see nutes I'm using below. They both were only fed BioBizz Grow as other nutes did not arrive on time.

The nutes I am using:

  • BioBizz Grow
  • BioBizz Heaven
  • BioBizz Alg-a-mic

  • BioBizz Bloom
  • BioBizz Top Max

The lights I am using are:
  • 90w UFO LED
I am using a 24 HOUR LIGHT SCHEDULE. My plan is to veg the Candyland until I harvest the Sin Tra Bajo, and at that point I will switch it to flowering.

I use EVIAN WATER to feed, which has a good amount of Cal / Mag in it.

I have never PH'd. I do not know the PH of my soil.

So yeah, both plants have suffered some heat stress in the beginning as there was only a tiny fan that wasn't pointed at the plants. This was shown by leaves curling up on the edges. Got a bigger fan and it helped.

The Sin Tra Bajo started showing white/yellow/brown spots here and there on its leaves. At first I thought it was mites, but could not see a thing. I started to mist the plants with a cinnamon water mix to deter the mites. It might have been splash marks from nute water, I'm not sure. Either way, it seems to have stopped spreading.

MY MAIN ISSUE RIGHT NOW: The Sin Tra Bajo's leaves are yellowing. At first I thought it was light intensity, so I moved the LED higher yesterday, but it seems to be getting worse. It is mainly showing at the top leaves and top bud sites. Could it be nute burn? I gave 3/4 the stated dose (I know people advise half or less than half but I thought since Im using organics Id be OK.. guess not!) of BioBizz grow. I "flushed" the plant the next day, although not to the point of loads of run off, just a bit, which I know is probably wrong. It hasn't had any water since.

Have a look at the pictures: what do you guys think?





Does this look like nute burn to you guys? The only reason why I think it might not be, is because the lower leaves arent showing any nute burn, and surely it would show up in them first, right?
Looks like nute burn to me . I would flush it out . And feed lower ppm

"carpe diem"
Looks like light burn.How many watts is your light and how close to plants is it.

600w Viparspectra LED

Looks like nute burn to me . I would flush it out . And feed lower ppm

"carpe diem"

I think I will give a go at flushing her out... But would nute burn show up on the lower leaves first? Im just confused as lower leaves have no "burning"
Nute burn usually shows up on the upper leaf edges and tips because there newly formed and more easily damaged by nute burn.Your light should not be any closer than 24 inches for vegging and depending on the par output to avoid light burn.Also you should be ph,ing your water unless your using full organic nutes.