Outdoor Newbie outdoor guerilla grow, looking for some advice

Jun 27, 2017
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Currently Smoking
Some local hybrid
Hey guys, new member here!

I'm doing my first grow now, and lets just say that all sorts of things have gone wrong LOL.

Strain: Crop Kings White Widow autoflower

Started out with 7 seeds, all germinated using paper towel method and i had them in solo cups with miracle grow garden soil, they all seemed to be growing well. One died i think because i forgot to water it. Then, at 2 or so weeks I transplanted into 1.5/2 gallon pots that had kellogs patio plus soil(critical mistake as I'd come to learn). They all had a nitrogen deficiency, one of the plants died after I fucked up a transplant, and for the most part their growth slowed tremendously. After reading some rather shitty home depot reviews for the soil I decided to take drastic action, and bought some fox farm soil from the local nursery(would've done this at first but I didnt see any the first time I went there :nono:.

Now, these pics were taken at week 5 plus 2 days.

2 of the plants are topped, and one has obviously started flowering.
Any tips/suggestions on how i could trigger new growth/why the plants look a little fucked up and how that stuff could be fixed? I've planted them in a river valley surrounded by nettles that's only accesible by trekking a quarter mile down a stream and wearing lots of bug spray.

Thanks guys :jointman:


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Forgot to include this lol, i transplanted them all from the kellog into fox farm, basically by pulling the whole soil mass out of the pot, taking a lot of the soil off, and putting it in another pot with mostly fox farm. Thought i fucked it up entirely, esp on the one plant where the entire root ball fell apart and i literally ended up replanting a tap root, but they all survived and the pics you see have them looking relatively greener(owing to the nitrogen from the foxfarm i assume) than they used to. I'm assuming I've exposed them to a lot of transplant shock especially after the second transplant.
Well since no one else chimed in.....
Probably the best advice is to get some more seed ASAP. You'll still have time to grow a 80-90 day auto by end of September.
Don't transplant, and don't top em. The only reason I could think of for topping an already short stature plant is because of running out of room in an indoor "box", and you're outdoors.

If your still concerned with the soil you got, just dig up some from where your at, as the "weeds" seem to be growing fine.

Good luck out there.
Put them in the ground. That's the best advice for outdoor growers I have!
They will be eaten by insects on your spot...in fact they are already messed up i think...
i would suggest for your next grow to make a soup of 1kg nettles on 10liters water. Let it ripe for 48hours until it begins to stink. (And it does!) Filter the leaves and dirt out and spray it on your plants and soil when they have at least 4 internodes...insects dont like the irritationsoup lol... and it contains a lot of N and minerals so not bad for the ladies. Use a spray.
You should react faster... plants pic 3 and 4 could be saved maybe...
Success with this low budget emergency spray...
If insects are a big problem where you are, you can apply an encapsulated insecticide around the plants that will protect them for months, but dont put it on the plants. Something like cyzmic cs will do the trick. Course if you wanna be 100% organice this might not be to your liking, but it works...