Newbie needs advice

Nov 1, 2018
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The first plant is what I’m worried about. Lemme know:)

Week 1 with devils cream auto under 600 watt veg bulb in a 4x4x6 tent with fans and all that good stuff 3 out of the four are doing well from what I can tell, I’m using fox farm of soil, there trio later on, as well as cal mag and bud candy.

Can’t figure out why the one plant looks so different and if I should just chop it


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in a 4x4x6 tent with fans and all that good stuff
You kidding me? I bet every time you open the tent, your fans inside give you a standing ovation? Now those are some great fans.

So you probably know that Ocean Forest is a hot soil and nutes are not needed for the first 3-4 weeks. And you should begin nutes at 1/4 the published amount. How far is the light from canopy?
Have the leaves been splashed with anything?
How much are you watering? Let the pot dry well before giving more water. Get used to how the pot feels when lifting one side with your thumb and index finger. They will tell you when to water.
Give it a chance, I don't think you need to dump it so quickly. Will you be using the liquid trio or the soluble trio nutes? Good luck with the rest of the grow.
Don't chop, this anomalies are called variegation and should grow out 3-4 weeks after starting seeds.....
:yeahthat: --- yeah, that's a mutation, a fairly common one,... nothing to do there, and if she's growing well enough, just roll with it,.... As for FF soils, I'd steer you away from them, more often than not they are way off pH... I've measured several random bags and found some in the low 5's pH :nono: :cuss:.... that said, I don't see any problems on them, but do yourself a big favor, and get a soil pH probe for in-pot measurements,.. run-off is way too crude a measurement! The Accurate 8 (Control Wizard products) is a tried and true unit, mines been a very valuable and handy tool! :phsoil: <-- long probe here is the A8,...