Newbie Grower need help with his plants

Feb 22, 2017
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Hi friends

I'm new grower i have little indoor growning room which i upgrade as much as i can. I have total 3 plants in 8 liters pots. They are in vegetative stage, this is day 21 in soil(28 from seed to today). I use biobizz light mix. After i take them to pots i started using Voodoo Juice 0,5ml for a liter.At week 2 i add 1ml per liter B-52. I have 600w Dual Spectrum light(not led).I usually keeping room temp. around 23-26 celcius but 3-4 hours a day it goes up to 35-36 celcius which ill end as soon as possible you i ordered a new fan. my watering PH is 6,5.

Now my question my bottom leaf(first leaf) is became yellow and there are some white-yellow spots on some leafs i know there is a heat stress but plese take a look at fotos what can u suggest me how can i recover them or im just worring to much??
my room 140-60-200 wide and my lamb is over 1.60 because of heat.



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Hey brother welcome to AFN are these autoflowers? If so you could turn your lights out for the warmest 4 hours of the day until temps become more steady.
Those first leaves are nothing to worry about its normal for them to do that- some growers actually use that as a sign of when to start feeding nutrients to the plant.
Its the true leaves above that you need to keep an eye on for colour change spots etc.
If your unsure take some pics of the plants under normal light as its really hard to see colour under hps lighting.
Happy growing brother
Ty for warm welcoming brother they are autos ill do 20/4 as you say but still there is problem becase there little burnt dots on some of main leafs and bottom leafs are more lighter color.
ill take and upload some close fotos tomorrow morning.
i love my plants i want to recover them .
Ok i'm back again
I'm suspecting from:
Nitrogen Deficiency
Magnesium Deficiency
or maybe just heat stress if its heat stress i buy new vent system so no more heat. im uploading new fotos of defacted leafs.
and one more thing in here its easy to find Advanced Nutrients so i have
Voodoo Juice, B-52, Mirco-grow-Bloom and Sensi CalMag.
im in week 3 in soil(4 at seed to today) what kind of regime would be good at this point?
Welcome to the site.

I think spots and outside edge leaf burn are heavy nutes, specifically P. N deficiency would look like yellowing around the inner veins. If you develop burnt spots on the leafs in soil I think that is real hot nutes. In hydro it's likely Ph fluctuation. What I'm told is that when there is too much P it gathers at the edges of the leaf until it dries up and burns in the light. With deficiency it is re-allocating the N from the chloroplasts nearest the veins and using it elsewhere so you get increasing yellowing from the middle out.

But I am new to this too, I am applying gardening know how more than weed growing know how.

Good luck man, they look good to me, I would reccomend going slower with the nutes. I usually start at 1/4 of whatever the full strength is and wait for major developmental changes untill I up it. It's a lot easier to fix a deficiency than trying to force feed them.
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It looks like you may be over-feeding them but I'll let the other more seasoned growers chime in. Autos don't require much in the way of feeding so I always cut the recommended dosages by 1/2. Your temps sound OK to me unless you're growing one of the more finicky strains. I've found that autos with a lot of indica in the mix are a lot more resilient and can handle temps way above those suggested. For instance, this week we've had record temps. My space has hit 100+ F twice and my AK-48 is taking it in stride as long as I keep her watered. She's near to harvest time and has really packed on the bud. She's the nicest plant I've grown to date.

Also, soil can be an issue. If you're growing in a pre-nuted hot soil that CAN cause issues. I grew my first grow out in a pre-nuted soil and it worked out OK given all the help I received surfing this very forum, but you're better off with a plain soil.

I've got seedlings in there with her and they seem to like the heat. Go figure...

What strains are you growing?
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I believe you definitely have cal/mg def. along with some nute burn. Dial back your nutes a little bit, always air on side of caution with nutes. Work your way up.
You can usually be somewhat liberal with the Cal/Mg though. Start with 5ml/gal with Cal/Mg and watch them girls bounce back.
Those little white spots may well be spidermites, the tiny spots are usually a sure sign... Get some Neem oil and spray the plants thoroughly. Then in 2 days, spray again with Mighty Wash, or Captain jack's, a Bonide product ( Bonide is a bacterial mite and fungus killer ). Hit them a third time with Neem oil again after 3-4 days. That should knock them down for the rest of the grow.

You can know for sure by using a magnifying glass to look at the bottom of leaves, if they are there, you'll find them!