New Grower Newbie grow fast and vast help?

Jan 18, 2015
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Hi guys. Brand new to this forum and about to start my first grow of fast and Vast. So I'm going to be using a 600w light, medium size fan and have ionic feeder and bio biz feeder which I received from a friend. What soil are people using and any info about nutrients and temperature would be appreciated thanks :) Welcome to AFN. Read this thread to get some info on soil and nutes,If you still have questions feel free to ask.
Hey baws im new here too and have yet to start my first grow but from doing some reading up on the forum ive learned loads already.
As regards soil there are loads of options, everyone seems to have a different take. Some growers use canna specific soil like biobizz others just use a general compost from their local garden centre. One thing everyone agrees on is good drainage is important.

Try and keep your temperature somewhere between 70-80 thats around 20-25 in degrees celsius and try not to let the temps drop much during lights out. Humididy should be kept around 60% but dropped to 40-50% in late flowering to reduce the chance of bud rot.

I cant advise you on the nutes but im sure someone more experienced will drop in and help you out with that

also be careful with seedlings under a 600w light if thats your plan i have a small cfl to start mine under as 600w can be too strong for seedlings. But if its all you have just keep it a good distance away. Maybe 3 feet plus.

Have a look at some of the stickies in the indoor and beginners forum some great info to be found. Anyway best of luck with your grow dude
Just overall I'd like to say is when you are growing cannabis listen to your plant.
She will tell you what she needs and what she likes best.

Try and keep your temperature somewhere between 70-80 thats around 20-25 in degrees celsius and try not to let the temps drop much during lights out. Humididy should be kept around 60% but dropped to 40-50% in late flowering to reduce the chance of bud rot.

on temp you can go up to 85 (30°c) mine are right now going from 80-85°f 25-30°c and she loves it.

humidity I would say this
seedling: 60-80% (so your plant does a minimum on transpiration and makes her focus on root and leaf growth)
lower is fine though when I started I didn't even have a closed space and an open window so humidity would've been very low.
veg: 50/70% (at this stage there's still no budrot going to happen and still gives more energy for leafs and roots)
flower: 40/50% (here it get's dangerous too high and you'll have a sad sad harvest)

now can you describe what exactly you are growing in a tent? a closet? a room?
what size pot?
how many plants?

and have fun!
Thanks for the heads up guys, I'm growing in an ecobud hydro tent, heard I should be using 3 gallon pots. But still not sure? My tent is 4ft x 4ft and 2 meter tall. I have a hydroponic setup as well but don't know what to use hydro or so I for first grow thanks again guys :)
a 3 gal is good & if it's your first grow using soil will be the easiest way to learn.
Bro first off welcome to the forums! AFN is fucking tits man, so much help and great vibes all around.

I just started 3 Fast & Vast myself. Hopefully they will be above ground today ready to face the world! Check out the link in my sig so that you can watch this strain as I grow it so you will kind of know what to look for and what to expect. My thread will also let you know what soil and nutes I am using this grow.

On the nutes there are so many different ones to choose from.
For a basic concept of nutes, you divide your grow cycle into 2 separate ones: Vegetative (aka grow) and Flowering (aka bloom).

You will want to look into nutes that serve the 2 main cycles. Veg nutes will be fed while your plants are getting big and vegging, while bloom nutes will be used once they start to flower or bloom. This separation will help provide the correct type of nutrients that the plant needs at different times in it's life. There are many many options to chose from, but many brands offer full lineups. Meaning they provide the 2 basic cycle nutes veg and bloom, and many companies also offer additional nutes that help bridge the gaps (which for your first grow I would reccomend not getting to carried away - Keep it simple!).

The crazy thing about nutes is that they highly depend on on your plant and your soil, so some people may use 6-7 nute products while others may only use 2 or 3. There are so many combinations that work for growing, so grab some munchies, light up a doobie, search the forum, start reading, and DIG IN.
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